
Living Water, "The Fountain of Eternal Life"

John 4:1-30

November 1, 2020

Jesus presented himself to the woman at the well in a completely different way than he had to anyone else. We all get thirsty. The woman was getting water from the well. Jesus asked for a drink, and then the conversation changed. She didn't even take her water pot when she ran off to tell the people she knew about the "Drink" that will quench a "thirst" eternally.

More from John

What Loving Jesus Looks Like

July 3, 2022 • John 21:15–25

We love God by feeding His sheep, we do this by sharing the Gospel and loving one another. As we wait for Christ's triumphant return we continue to follow Jesus so that we may glorify him in life and death.

Heart to Heart Conversation with Jesus

Jesus loves us, He wants our hearts. Our Father wants to know how much we love Him and rely on Him. We are called to walk in love and to "feed His sheep."

Revived by Jesus...Again

June 19, 2022 • John 21:1–14

Confused and frustrated the disciples went out fishing in the evening. Without catching anything that night, Jesus came to them in the morning and told them to cast the net on the right side of the boat which blessed them with an abundance of fish. This shows us that we can do nothing apart from Christ. We are asked to spread the gospel which may not always work in our favor. However, with a little patience and diligence, the Lord can use us and whatever resources we have for His Glory. We will face difficulties, but stand firm and our reward will await us in Heaven. Go fish!