
What’s Next on the Prophetic Calendar? The Covenant to Come! Daniel’s 70 Weeks!

Session Two

January 25, 2015 • Pastor Ron Finch

The question that people ask is “What is next on God’s prophetic calendar?” “Is it the Rapture or is it another event?” It’s important that we remember that God’s prophetic calendar (or clock) has been ticking since the creation of the world, so we are not looking at an event that “begins” the prophetic clock, rather we are seeking to know what the next major event will be on God’s prophetic calendar.
In order to answer this question, we must go back to the book of Daniel and focus particularly on chapter 9:24-27 where God revealed to Daniel a very specific outline of prophetic events regarding the nation Israel and Jerusalem. In it He gives an outline of biblical prophecy, but also shows that the next event on His prophetic calendar is a Covenant between Israel and the coming Anti-christ.
It is the opinion of this teacher (for whatever it is worth), that the future events of prophecy are related to this Old Testament prophecy because prophetic events FOCUS AROUND THE NATION OF ISRAEL and God’s Covenant Promises that He made to His chosen people. We must be clear, AMERICA is not the focal point of Biblical prophecy! The Middle East, with a particular focus upon Israel, is the stage upon which biblical prophetic events will be played out. In Daniel 9:24-27 we see these events outlined.