
Life In The Spirit - Part 2

Life in the Holy Spirit is life in the Spirit’s holiness.

February 25, 2024 • Mike Tatlock • Acts 4:31–35, Matthew 28:17, Acts 5:1–11, 2 Peter 1:3–4

Discussion Questions:

1. What areas of your life do you feel worn down or spiritually fatigued?

2. What holds us back from surrendering and obeying the Holy Spirit?

3. What does God's Holiness mean to you?

4. How can you receive the Spirit's provision in your struggles?

5. Is there a sin in your life that you need to be more honest about?

6. What does it mean to practice confessing our sins to one another?

Group Practice:

Break down into smaller groups of 2 or 3. At whatever level you are comfortable, share some sins you struggle with and pray for each other. Pray a prayer like this:

"Holy Spirit, we confess these areas of sin. I confess that I need your provision in this area. I confess that through your power and grace, I can walk in holiness. Holy Spirit, what do you want me to receive from you in this area? (Be quiet and listen for what He wants to replace, ie. Fruit) Holy Spirit, I receive what you have for me, and pray for your power to live it out. Thank you for your grace and holiness working in me. In Jesus' name, amen!"

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Share Your Story

April 14, 2024 • Mike Tatlock, Jen McCourt

Throughout our https://gracechapelonline.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2a0186ef6ab77fc759003efa2&id=2681269b19&e=63cc4e2770, we have discussed what it looks like to live surrendered, Jesus-following, holy, consecrated lives. We have practiced praying for healing, individual and community confession, and asked God to show us areas where we can live consecrated lives. We want to hear how the Holy Spirit is working in your life! In what area of your life are you walking in more freedom or have you experienced healing? If you would like to share your story with us, please answer the questions on the form linked below.


April 7, 2024 • Mike Tatlock • Acts 2:17–18, Luke 4:18, Acts 10:38, Matthew 11:28–30, 1 John 2:20–27

To be anointed means to be chosen by God and filled with the Holy Spirit to carry out a divine purpose. The Spirit’s anointing makes the impossible possible. The Spirit's anointing guards you from being deceived and divided.  The Spirit's anointing empowers you through the disappointing.

Even The Gentiles

March 24, 2024 • Josh Weaver • Acts 1:8, Acts 10, Jonah 1:3, Genesis 22:18

Acts 1:8 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere, in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the universe." 1. Holy Spirit = God's Active Personal Presence 2. Witness = Telling people about Jesus 3. Ends of the Earth = Everywhere   Discussion Questions: Read Acts 10  In verses 2-9, Cornelius and Peter both functioned in their everyday/average rhythms of talking with God when they each had a vision. Do you have a regular/average rhythm of prayer? If so, what does that look like? If not, what could a regular rhythm be for your life?  In verse 20, God used that time to invite them into a mission with Him. How do you keep your ear/ life attuned to the invitation of God? Can you walk into your mission 'with no doubts'?  Jesus had a high view of the Holy Spirit and the role of the Holy Spirit in his life. What does living entirely dependent on the Holy Spirit look like in your life?  In verses 34-35, God called Peter into a time of repentance in disqualifying people to be a part of the Kingdom of God. We often disqualify ourselves and others, too. Which of these resonates with your heart?  Even me, Lord? Do you disqualify yourself because of your story, sin, comparison with others, and perceived value? Even my prodigal Lord? Yes, our Father's heart is turned toward your prodigal. We live in hope because of the gospel laid out in this chapter! Believe, pray, keep inviting! Even that person, Lord? We live in this broken world and experience hurt, frustration, and righteous anger in our human relationships. We are called to love, forgive, bless, and pray for our enemies.  Group Practice:  With your group, identify the 'even' statement that you know God wants to address in your life. Pray for one another - Pray for value and identity over those feeling discouraged/disqualified. Pray hope with those whose hearts are breaking for their prodigal. Pray for Peter's repentance over those struggling with an 'other.' Use this prayer of forgiveness to release 'that person' and your heart!