There is a big difference between reacting and responding. When we react, our actions may come from fear, hate, and impatience. On the other hand, when we respond with intentionality, our actions are more often rooted in peace, love, patience, kindness, and wisdom.
One of the most significant ways we can shift from reacting to responding is by walking together in community with other believers.
The Holy Spirit actively operates within community, working through us to cultivate a sense of belonging, sharpening and releasing one another. These environments encourage us to respond to life’s challenges from a place of peace rather than reacting out of fear.
Community is crucial for believers. “Christianity is essentially a social religion,” said John Wesley, and “to turn it into a solitary religion is indeed to destroy it.” Creating community transforms us from passive observers, relying solely on ourselves, to active partners with Jesus, fostering reliance on Him and one another.
Community also plays a vital role in transitioning from a shaky faith to a solid one. When we recognize that our roots determine our actions, we can shift our focus to being firmly rooted in love. This will ensure that our faith remains unwavering, even in challenging seasons, which allows us to respond with love instead of reacting with hate.
As we prepare together, reflect on these questions:
In what areas of your life do you tend to react instead of responding?
How does being deeply rooted in Jesus change your trust in God?
Join us on this journey. Embrace the shifts from reaction to response, passivity to partnership, and a shaky faith to a firm foundation.