
Overcoming Evil With Good

Something is always expected from us when God is revealed to us.

April 10, 2022 • Mike Tatlock • Luke 10:17–19, Romans 12:21, John 12:46, Acts 19, John 8:12

We are called to be a light. The light offends the darkness. We may offend at times, but let it be because we are walking in the light, not because we are being kind of jerky christians.

More from Leveraging

Leveraging Peace

May 1, 2022 • Mike Tatlock • Matthew 5:9, Matthew 10:12–13, Ephesians 4:2–3, Matthew 5:23–24, Romans 8:6

There is a difference between peace-making and peace-keeping. Peacekeepers walk on eggshells to not upset anyone. Peacekeepers don’t share how they really feel so they don’t start an argument. Peacekeepers avoid conflict and apologize for things that they haven’t even done. Peacekeepers always feel taken advantage of and find their identity in not making waves.

What Is In Your HANDS?

April 24, 2022 • Mike Tatlock • Ephesians 2:10, Acts 3:3–7, 1 Samuel 16:6–7, Luke 19:11–27, Proverbs 11:11

Leverage your heart, your assets, your network, your difficulties, and your story for the glory of Jesus and to advance the Kingdom of God in this world. When we leverage all that we have for God’s greater purpose we begin to become aware of all the things that have been entrusted to us by God. It is within that awareness that we begin to play a greater part in his redemptive story for this world, for our families, our relationships, and even our own lives. What is your passion? What makes your heart come alive with excitement? What burden do you carry? What life experience and perspective can your share? Use these things to advance the kingdom of God this week. Remember, God uses unexpected encounters to lead unexpected people!