
The Forge | Pants on Fire Part 4

I have to earn God's grace. I am not worthy.

June 1, 2022 • Bob Kanyer

1. Exchange a lie for the truth.

2. Break down this lie to shine truth
what does He say?
discipline & other pertinent truths

3. Apply it. Practice session
Jesus, what's the lie I'm believing about ________?
what do I do with lies, Jesus?
Break partnership/reliance
declare it, repeat
other helps...

Discussion Questions
Am I interested in walking out my calling in Him? Do I believe I can? What does He say? Father, what do YOU say about me in this regard? Jesus, in what ways do I aim to "earn" Your grace, solo style? is "this material", this partnering with You regular "for me"?

1. Doing the exchange is easy, right? What is required to walk it out?
2. Can I do this alone?
3. Where do I start?
4. Where does Holy Spirit fit in here?
5. What's next?

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