
The Forge | Road Trip - Part 4

Not the route I planned on taking

July 13, 2022 • Collin Wrede • Mark 12:29–31, Isaiah 55:8–9

God is never caught by surprise with the things that happen
He is aware
He has a plan
My attitude/approach in life matters.
The people God puts in my life are never by accident.
I play a purpose in their story as much as they play a purpose in my own.
The places God has me might not be forever but the impact I make can be.
When I am unsure what my next move is, I can always go back to the things that he has called me to.
I wouldn't have my story any other way than His.
“8 For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Additional Discussion Questions
Who has God called you to be (for yourself, family, friends, community)?
What is your go-to response when unexpected things happen?
How do you actively trust God?
Who is walking out your journey with you?

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