Theme: God’s faithfulness to His people, Israel, in providing them an inheritance includes the refining experiences of the Great Tribulation.
Theme: The struggle by men to resist the will of God is useless – it is far better to find comfort in the power of a Sovereign God.
Theme: The believer must be comforted that the whole of heaven is at God’s disposal as His will is performed.
Theme: The closer we grow in our relationship with Christ, the more blatant our sin appears to us.
Theme: God’s program for Israel will be fulfilled regardless of the resistance by Satan.
Theme: God is faithful to fulfill His Word – both in blessing and cursing.
Theme: Even as the people of God have suffered at the hands of godless men, the Antichrist pours out his wrath against the godly.
Theme: Despite causing great distress for the people of God, the Antichrist will ultimately face the wrath of God.
Glory and honor belong to the Son of God, for His rule and reign are perfect and eternal.
Theme: God’s people can take heart in the ultimate triumph of God over the wickedness of men.
Theme: The integrity of a righteous person is attributable to his interaction with God.
Theme: Those who defy God will face the judgment of God.
Theme: The grace of God confronts sinners with their need for mercy.
Theme: The Lord desires that all men yield to His authority.