
Walk With Me - 2 Timothy

​But the Lord Stood by Me - 2 Timothy 4:16-22

November 12, 2023 • Denis Garijo • 2 Timothy 4:16–22

"But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. So I was rescued from the lion’s mouth." 2 Timothy 4:17 (ESV) ​ On Sunday, we will gather to study Paul’s final words in the Bible. The last seven verses from 2 Timothy have so much to teach us, and I believe the Holy Spirit will speak into our hearts.  We will learn from Paul’s experience and teaching that: -We should not let resentment find a place in our hearts.  -When we stand up for the truth of God's Word, even if people abandon us, God will always be there for us. ​Death should not be feared. -There is a constant opportunity to love and care for our neighbor.   “To be forgiven is such sweetness that honey is tasteless in comparison with it. But yet there is one thing sweeter still, and that is to forgive. As it is more blessed to give than to receive, so to forgive rises a stage higher in experience than to be forgiven.” - Charles Spurgeon    I appreciate your prayers and hope to see you on Sunday. ​ Pastor Denis Garijo

Do your best! - 2 Timothy 4:9-15

November 5, 2023 • Mike Burt • 2 Timothy 4:9–15

Years ago, I was taught a method of decision making that was pretty simple – what things are important and what things are urgent?  Some are both and some are neither while some are one or the other.  We find Paul going over the events of Rome from his jail cell – some things are urgent and some things are important – some are both!  Paul encourages Timothy by these several examples to continue in ministry faithfully and with great resolve.  There are so many things to learn from this short paragraph – I will try to do as many as I can.  As is in the title – I will do my best – come and hear what God says to us through the life of Paul and the ministry of Timothy.  The issues Paul gives here are both important and urgent – come and be a part of this week! Pastor Mike

Preach the Word - 2 Timothy 4:1-8

October 29, 2023 • Denis Garijo • 2 Timothy 4:1–8

"Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching." - 2 Timothy 4:2   Have you thought that God calls us all to preach the Word? This week, we will see in 2 Timothy 4:1-8 Paul charging Timothy to a public heralding of the gospel message. And that is a calling to each one of us. As believers, we are called to share God's message. Sometimes, people fall into the trap of sharing messages that please others or themselves. But we must preach only one message- the Word of God. We will see that Paul teaches not only when and why we need to preach God's Word but also how to do it.       "A man who first tried to guess 'what the public wants,' and then preached that as Christianity because the public wants it, would be a pretty mixture of fool and knave."  ― C.S. Lewis, https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/1629234   I appreciate your prayers! Pastor Denis

The Soldiers Protection from the Peril of Apostacy - 2 Timothy 3:10-17

October 22, 2023 • Kevin Browne • 2 Timothy 3:10–17

“The way of sin is down-hill; for such proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.”  Matthew Henry How do we protect ourselves from Biblical errors and misunderstanding in the World? There seem to be so many ideas floating about – yet we can be sure there is a godly truth at the core! Sunday Pastor Kevin Browne will tackle this important defense for disciples – the Word of God! Paul begins his final words and we can hear the voice of great experience tutoring the younger shepherd on how to take the perilous days ahead.   Paul tells Timothy that the strength and resource to grow in this dying World is only to be found in God’s Word.  Not a book about God – but God’s very BOOK!  At Grace we know the Bible is ‘inspired’ but do we really know what that means?  Kevin will break this down for us on Sunday – come and hear! See you Sunday, Pastor Mike

Walk with Me – Don’t be Led Away - 2 Timothy 3:1-9

October 15, 2023 • Mike Burt • 2 Timothy 3:1–9

It is worse than it has ever been! That may be true but it is not as bad as it could be – each generation sees it grow worse and worse. What about the early Church? Early Christians who lived under Roman rule would greet each other with the hopeful Aramaic word "Maranatha," meaning "the Lord is coming" or "come, O Lord." This encouraged others in a time of persecution and reminded the faithful that ‘the Gates of hell’ would not prevail.   “But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come.” 2 Tim 3:1 I will only cover the first 9 verses of this great chapter – but they are verses that seem torn from yesterday’s newspaper. This passage gives us three key elements to living out our faith – walking with Christ – 1) the latter days, 2) being led away and 3) learning with leading! Sunday I hope to cover all three. Paul waxes eloquent as he names so many variances from true faith – 19 of them! My focus will not be on the details of the sins but rather on the dedication of the disciple. We have three clear warnings about the paths before us – one is sinful and to be avoided. The next is attractive but we are not to be ‘led away’. The final detour is to be captivated by those who seem educated or gifted but their learning never seems to progress to sharing – Paul calls this ‘folly’ as we should as well. Join me Sunday as we peek into the latter days (only God knows if they are truly the last days) and be warned of the false paths that would keep us from walking with Jesus.  Come Sunday and Walk with me –  Pastor Mike

Walk with Me – Don’t be Led Away - 2 Timothy 3:1-9

October 15, 2023 • Mike Burt • 2 Timothy 3:1–9

It is worse than it has ever been! That may be true but it is not as bad as it could be – each generation sees it grow worse and worse. What about the early Church? Early Christians who lived under Roman rule would greet each other with the hopeful Aramaic word "Maranatha," meaning "the Lord is coming" or "come, O Lord." This encouraged others in a time of persecution and reminded the faithful that ‘the Gates of hell’ would not prevail.   “But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come.” 2 Tim 3:1 I will only cover the first 9 verses of this great chapter – but they are verses that seem torn from yesterday’s newspaper. This passage gives us three key elements to living out our faith – walking with Christ – 1) the latter days, 2) being led away and 3) learning with leading! Sunday I hope to cover all three. Paul waxes eloquent as he names so many variances from true faith – 19 of them! My focus will not be on the details of the sins but rather on the dedication of the disciple. We have three clear warnings about the paths before us – one is sinful and to be avoided. The next is attractive but we are not to be ‘led away’. The final detour is to be captivated by those who seem educated or gifted but their learning never seems to progress to sharing – Paul calls this ‘folly’ as we should as well. Join me Sunday as we peek into the latter days (only God knows if they are truly the last days) and be warned of the false paths that would keep us from walking with Jesus.  Come Sunday and Walk with me –  Pastor Mike

Who Do You Meet in Church? - 2 Timothy 2:20-26

October 8, 2023 • Mike Burt • 2 Timothy 2:20–26

Clearly, in these verses, Paul is presenting us with a choice: Do you want to be a gold or silver vessel, used for honor, or will you be a cheap clay pot, used for dishonor? While some may see this as a choice of usable and unusable – I see this more as ordinary and extraordinary.  The ordinary are not held in high regard and are often neglected and easily replaced – while the good stuff is special!   The choice for each of us is to be God’s finest vessels or common paper cups tossed without much regard or appreciation.  We should desire to be vessels for honor – ‘useful to the Master’ and ‘prepared for every good work’ by cleansing ourselves.  By God’s grace, this is not done alone but with ‘those who call on the Lord from a pure heart’ – our church family!   Sunday I will take the final paragraph of 2 Timothy 2 and help us be ready to be the vessel God can use!  It may take some scrubbing – but it is worth it!   Come and learn how to be more than a paper plate in God’s Kingdom –  See you Sunday,  Pastor Mike

Fighting for Truth – Not About Everything Else! - 2 Timothy 2:14-19

October 1, 2023 • Mike Burt • 2 Timothy 2:14–19

Paul says a few things in this passage that we need to hear. The first is this: truth matters and disciples have a special role in upholding that truth. 2 Tim 2:14 – “Remind them of these things and charge them before God not to quarrel about words, which does no good, but only ruins the hearers.” This is Timothy’s ongoing task, week in and week out. Do it this week and do it again next week. Keep reminding people of the truth. Keep going. Never stop.  That is discipleship! As a pastor, I know that preaching doesn’t always have to explain new truths. Neither does it always have to persuade people to believe those new truths. Nor does it always have to exhort people to obey those new truths. Sometimes it can simply remind folks of what they already understand, believe, and are striving to obey. Sounds like the book of James. We don’t need new truths; we often need to be reminded of old ones! As part of this command, Paul tells Timothy what else to do. He’s supposed to charge his people not to quarrel about words. What does Paul mean here? Paul is saying that truth matters, and we need to be reminded of the truth, but that doesn’t mean we should get into word fights.  I know folks who won a battle but made an enemy of the very souls they were supposed to win!  Won a battle but lost the war – it must be God who is always right – not me! How is Timothy supposed to manage this balance of reminding and keeping the focus on the truth without letting people fight about everything? He’s got to handle the Word well himself.  2 Tim 2:15 “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”  Paul says in verse 15. The image is of a worker who cuts straight. A good teacher knows how to cut the Word of God straight. A good teacher knows how to interpret and apply the Bible faithfully. It is essential that we know the truth and are able to handle God’s word well. Join me on Sunday as we read these teachings and more!  God’s Word is true – we must be true to it!   See you Sunday, Pastor Mike

Faithful or Entangled? - 2 Timothy 2:1-13

September 24, 2023 • Jeff Bergmann • 2 Timothy 2:1–13

Jeff Bergmann will be sharing with us this Sunday. He is married to Daniela and they have 3 children. Jeff went to Ukraine earlier this year with our missions team, he and Daniela faithfully taught the Youth Sunday School for a time, and they both served on our search committee for a new Youth Pastor. Pray for Jeff and our time on Sunday, come ready to welcome him and to grow, together!  Faithful or Entangled? - 2 Timothy  Last Sunday, we were challenged to consider our calling and count the cost of walking with God and doing His will. Paul, in the opening of his second letter to Timothy, encouraged him to remain faithful to his calling. This Sunday, our message builds on what it means to be a faithful disciple, having considered our call, and counted the cost. As a Good Soldier of Christ Jesus, we must follow the MAP we’ve been given to endure hardship and remain a faithful disciple.  Paul was being honest about what it means to serve God, in stating to Timothy, serve as a Good Soldier of Christ Jesus, enduring suffering and hardship for the sake of the gospel—Paul is specifically stating our mission—and in his last letter before his execution, Paul adds urgency to the importance of the mission by stating “I’m not going to be around much longer,” and warns that many others have come Off Mission, specifically stating they’ve fallen away, and urging and encouraging Timothy again, stating, “so I need you On Mission now.”  ​Paul’s message for being a faithful disciple follows what we might expect: be strong, teach others to teach others, and then Paul adds “endure suffering and hardship” and “don’t get entangled with the affairs of life.” If you’re not entangled with the affairs of this life, then you can stay focused on your mission for Christ, remain true to the standard of God’s Word, and be ever vigilant to the Devil’s designs against you. God needs us On Mission, On Azimuth, and On Point for His Kingdom. Jeff Bergmann

Will You Be THAT Disciple? - 2 Timothy 1:12-18

September 10, 2023 • Mike Burt • 2 Timothy 1:12–18

While in England D.L. Moody heard evangelist Henry Varley say, “The world has yet to see what God can do through a man who is totally yielded to Him.” Moody was captivated by these words and resolved, “By the Grace of God, I will be that man!” What a powerful text - the Apostle Paul tells Timothy of a time when he felt all alone. He shares with Timothy some of the lessons he learned while being in prison and feeling like some many had abandoned him. He reminds Timothy of the importance of holding fast to the truth and the difference that one person who genuinely cares can make. He encourages Timothy to practice these traits in his own life, so that his legacy may be one of faithfulness.   Our text on Sunday is really divided into two sections:  In the first section (verses 12-14), Paul reminds Timothy that the foundation of the Christian faith is found in the true gospel message. He tells Timothy to hold firmly to that message.  In the second section (verses 15-18) Paul recounts his experience of feeling abandoned while he was imprisoned in Rome. Here he tells Timothy to think about the kind of friend he would like to have, and then to work at being that kind of friend to others. Invite someone who needs to be encouraged - make sure you are there to hear the promises of God for those who are faithful - come and be challenged to be THAT disciple! See you Sunday, Pastor Mike

Until that day! - 2 Timothy 1:1-11

September 3, 2023 • Mike Burt • 2 Timothy 1:1–11

“If one dear saint of God had perished, so might all; if one of the covenant ones be lost, so may all be; - then there is no gospel promise true, but the Bible is a lie, and there is nothing in it worthy my acceptance.”  C.H. Spurgeon What advice would you give to someone if you knew that you were talking to them for the last time? Would you give them a verse – a quote – a life goal?  Would you challenge them to do more or be more? Maybe you would link them to something bigger than life – like to God. That is what Paul did for Timothy – linked him to the Gospel of God. This was important since the circumstances of Paul were so dire – he was in prison and on death row. When things are impossible – the truly important things are in focus – relationships (like family) and faith (rekindled) and even hope (until that day!) are the main topics of Paul.   Sunday I will take us into Paul’s letter to Timothy. We will hear the passion and the purpose but nothing of despair or disappointment. When Paul invited Timothy to ‘walk with me’ there was always a chance it could end this way. Over the next few weeks, we will give attention to the resolve and the determination of the Apostle.  We will ask ourselves if also trust God ‘until that day’ or did we think it was just a stroll through the park?   When we know who we are walking with in life – there is no fear where He leads us! See you Sunday –  Pastor Mike