


Promises Kept

December 27, 2020 • Mike Burt

What a year! We began as normal and until March we were still planning a Pastors Chili cook-off and fellowship. That ended quickly and we have been unable to return to our expectation of normal since then. However, God has been good! By technology and multi-services and some creative chair placements we have continued to be a family of faith. Sunday, I want to review a few promises kept by our loving God during these trying times. I have collected some great verses and potent quotes to remind us that God is still King and He loves us as ever before. Please end this year with us either in person or livestream – you will be encouraged I am sure. This is the first part of a two message series and next week I will take a look at some promises we should consider for 2021 in our relationship with God. The two go together so I hope to see you this week at Grace or Grace On-Line – Pastor Mike “God never made a promise that was too good to be true.” D.L. Moody

Promises to Make

January 3, 2021 • Mike Burt

The practice of making New Year’s resolutions goes back over 3,000 years to the ancient Babylonians. There is just something about the start of a new year that gives us the feeling of a fresh start and a new beginning. In reality, there is no difference between December 31 and January 1. Nothing mystical occurs at midnight on December 31. The Bible does not speak for or against the concept of New Year’s resolutions. However, if a Christian determines to make a New Year’s resolution, what kind of resolution should he or she make? Many Christians make New Year’s resolutions to pray more, to read the Bible every day, and to attend church more regularly. These are fantastic goals. However, these spiritual New Year’s resolutions fail just as often as the non-spiritual resolutions, because there is no power in a New Year’s resolution. Resolving to start or stop doing a certain activity has no value unless you have the proper motivation for stopping or starting that activity. For example, why do you want to read the Bible every day? Is it to honor God and grow spiritually, or is it because you have just heard that it is a good thing to do? Why do you want to lose weight? Is it to honor God with your body, or is it for vanity, to honor yourself? RISK: You don’t know what will happen tomorrow. James 4:14 How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog–it’s here a little while, then it’s gone. REASON: Do it for the LORD. Psalm 37:5-6 “Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.” REWARD: Accomplishing a goal to the glory of God! Join me this first Sunday of 2021 and hear some challenges and then prayerfully set some goals for God to work in us this coming year! Pastor Mike