
Peace in Troubled Times

December 19, 2021 • Mike Burt • John 14

We do not need to go hunting to find a good advent verse – even in John. This is a verse that fits well into the theme of great peace!
The peace of Christ as Christ came to bring peace. He is the Prince of Peace. And the angels announced at his birth, “Peace on earth, good will towards men.”
This Sunday morning, we will look at the answer Jesus gives to the Disciples after they heard Him warn them about the turbulent days ahead. He would be taken, beaten, crucified and buried.
They want to know about how He would bless the people of Israel – they were not ready for how He must die for the World. Sunday we will listen to Jesus’ words of peace – not like the World’s but from the heart of God by the hand of Jesus.
See you Sunday - the final Worship Service before Christmas - Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Pastor Mike