
Labor Day – Part of the Curse? - Gen 2,3; Matt 11; 1 John 5; 1 Tim 6

September 1, 2024 • Mike Burt • Genesis 3, Matthew 11, 1 John 5, 1 Timothy 6, Genesis 2

God made us to work – His first assignment in the Garden to Adam was to work the plants and tend the animals. That was clear in Genesis 2 – then chapter 3 happened – The Fall! So many things changed after sin – including the burdens placed on our work like thorns and weeds. We often will tie these together and not separate them as God did. We should not link a divine assignment to the failure of man. Satan’s original temptation was to something more – something withheld by God from Eve. Today people feel that same drawing toward ‘there must be something more’ in life. Too many ‘live for the weekend’ and then labor a career to achieve ‘retirement’ only to discover disappointments and deceptions. I have heard it said that some will give their health to acquire wealth then spend their wealth trying to recover their health.

Sunday I will take us back to the Garden and examine the assignment of work and the consequences of the Fall. I will take us to the feet of Jesus where He speaks of labor then listen to the teachings of Paul about contentment and godliness. This Labor Day message is for anyone who has a job – anyone who is going to college for a career – anyone who is retired. I will try to explain that work was given before sin entered the world and therefore is a part of God’s perfect creation. Work was not a result of the fall; the fall only made work more difficult (Genesis 3:17–19). Come hear God’s solution and what our attitude should be until we get to Heaven. Just a thought – will we work in Heaven? Paul says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord” (Colossians 3:23). Since God is unchangeable – it seems clear that we will have a new assignment in Heaven – don’t get lazy!

See you Sunday, 

Pastor Mike