
Jonah Runs WITH God - Jonah 3

September 29, 2024 • Mike Burt • Jonah 3

In fact – not just a God of 2nd chances but a loving God of ‘another’ chance! The life of David, Peter, Saul (Paul) and so many others were not the recipient of just a second chance but often of many chances! These are just a few of God’s trophies of grace – like Jonah. This week Jonah gets another chance – vomited on the shore he immediately heads east toward Nineveh. When God gives another chance it shows at least two of his attributes – mercy as He did not hold our failure against us forever and then grace as He recommissions us to His will. Psalm 86:15 says it well: "But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness." Micah 7:18 clarifies, "Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in steadfast love." 

Sunday we will go back to the simple truth of Jonah – God’s infinite grace seen in God’s individual grace! Jonah becomes a walking Gospel of forgiveness and hope! Whatever Jonah’s attitude toward the Assyrians might have been – the forgiveness in his testimony was shining bright! Our question should not be ‘will God forgive me?’ Rather we should be asking what will we do with God’s second chance? I am praying for you – see you Sunday!

Pastor Mike


Just a thought – the cheerleaders for Sunday’s sermon of second chances will be Rahab, Bathsheba, Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel & Leah, Jochebed, and Abigail. Every one of them with a redeeming story to share!