
Emmanuel – God with us!

December 11, 2022 • Mike Burt

Sunday we have a very special guest and long time friend with us at Grace – Leandro Tarrataca from Brazil! Please welcome our missionary partner to Grace as he will be sharing from God’s Word on the name of our Savior – Emmanuel. Leandro and Julie are more than missionary ambassadors of Grace – they are good friends. The Making a Difference Coffee shop ministry supports the many children of Mogi das Cruzes who hear the Gospel and grow in faith – they would lack this blessing without the tireless labors of Leandro and Julie at the Church Camp there. Leandro hosts a Bible Institute training scores of men and women who are dispersed across the thousands of miles of Brazil – preaching and teaching the Word of God – planting Churches and making disciples. Denis and Erika came to us from this ministry and we are blessed to have them with us. We are honored to share this ministry with Leandro & Julie and host them as they travel about the Midwest greeting their supporters. Please honor them with your enthusiastic attendance – see you Sunday!Pastor Mike God’s promise to Jacob is an example of the bigger promise of grace to us – Emmanuel!“Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” Genesis 28:15