
Redemption by Obedience

November 6, 2022 • Mike Burt • Ruth

“Priceless gems have often been found in unlikely places. Many a choice flower has been found blooming in a rocky crevice. Rainbow artistries have suddenly lit up the drabbest skies. Beauty spots have charmed the traveler at surprise turns on the least-promising road. It is even so with this superbly beautiful little idly, the book of Ruth.”

J. Sidlow Baxter

This has been a beautiful love story and is one of only two books in the Bible named for women (Esther is the other). And Ruth is not just a woman but a Gentile woman at that. This account was originally joined to the Book of Judges and is almost a lone positive story in the many depressing stories of sad Judges and disobedient Jews. Ruth becomes a beacon of hope in the ways God will protect and provide the integrity of the Messianic line moving toward His prophetic choices of monarchy (David) and His promises of a Redeemer (Jesus). Lots of rich theology about the person and role of Jesus Christ as our Redeemer can be traced to the typology centered around the figure of Boaz. The kind providence of God uses seemingly insignificant people and events to accomplish important kingdom goals. The loyalty and devotion of Ruth is rewarded with unimaginable blessing that spills over to all those who come to embrace the Lord Jesus as their Redeemer. The summary of the Book is seen in the fulfillment of the hopes of Naomi - Ruth 4:14 “Blessed is the Lord who has not left you without a redeemer today”. Naomi found her Redeemer in Boaz through Ruth – We must find our Redeemer in the linage of Boaz in the person of Jesus – our closest Kinsman Redeemer!

See you Sunday for the final message in Ruth – Pastor Mike

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