
Vacation Bible School

Get your explorer's gear ready, and strap on that safari hat! We're embarking on an expedition through the heart of the jungle!

August 5, 6:00pm - August 9, 2024 8:30pm

Day 1: Creation - The children will be taught that in the beginning God created all things, and that it was all good.

Day 2: Corruption and Catastrophe - We will see that sin enters the world, affecting everyone and worsening to such a point that God sends a worldwide flood.

Day 3: Confusion - Presents the events that took place at the tower of Babel

Day 4: Christ and Cross - We will show the children that man is sinful and needs a Savior and that God provides His Son, Jesus to save us from our sins.

Day 5: Consummation - The conclusion of history, Christ returns.