
Edifying One Another

December 29, 2019 • Pastor Ray Stewart

The word “edify” means a building up, in a moral and religious sense; instruction; improvement and progress of the mind, in knowledge, in morals, or in faith and holiness. The source for our reason to edify one another, is centered in the fact that we have obtained salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, because of His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary for us. The fact that we have placed our faith and our trust in that sacrifice, has given us the blessed assurance, that we are going to spend eternity with Him. But until then, until we are raptured out of here at the rapture of the church, we are called to be disciples, who are engaged in the battle for the souls of men. To wage a successful battle, requires that every now and then, someone will need to come along side of us, and build us up. Lift us up, encourage us, edify us. We know that making disciples require that those disciples periodically need edification. So God has given us the “kingdom of God,” a spiritual kingdom to live inside of us, so that we could edify one anther:

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