
Holy Habits

Use Your Gift! - Holy Habits Part 3

February 11, 2024 • Pastor Cameron Baker • 1 Corinthians 12:1–11

We are going to explore the Spiritual Gifts God gives. We will see how the Holy Spirit has gifted believers in Jesus and how, through those gifts, He builds up the entire church family through YOU!

Community- Holy Habits Part 2

February 4, 2024 • Pastor Chris Carpio

Whether you are an extrovert who loves being a part of large groups, or an introvert who kinda sorta likes being a part of small groups, all of us need rich, Godly connections to others to thrive. We cannot exist well or flourish to our full potential without life-giving communion with other human souls, other parts of the body. Are you ready to form a habit of community?

Faithful Giving- Holy Habits Part 1

January 28, 2024 • Pastor Cameron Baker

Today, we will look at giving as it pertains to ministry and making disciples of Jesus Christ. We will look at some common money myths and discover if these myths are true, or are they not true, are they to be trusted, or are they just busted.