

THE SEAL (Part 4) - God's Ersaser

July 1, 2018 • Senior Pastor Armin Sommer • Revelation 3:1–6

Revelation 3:5 is a little concerning. Some think that it implies a believer can lose their salvation. That God has an eraser. But the message John writes is not a warning. Rather, he simply uses a figure of speech that describes something positive by expressing its opposite. Find what the apostle had in mind when he wrote of the Book of life.

THE SEAL (Part 3) - The Impossible Fall

June 24, 2018 • Senior Pastor Armin Sommer • Hebrews 6:1–8

There is a condition that mimics true salvation, but which is deadly. It’s full of religious experiences, but it’s counterfeit. Its false nature becomes clear in a person who formerly professed faith in Christ, but now denies Christ. Find out what the author of Hebrews says about such a person.

THE SEAL (Part 2) - In His Grip

June 17, 2018 • Senior Pastor Armin Sommer • John 10:22–30

We are in week #2 of, THE SEAL, a 4-week series about the eternal security of believers. I have often spoken with people who have trusted Jesus as their Savior, but suspect that God has revoked there salvation, due to a season of sin or what we refer to as “backsliding”, a reversion to old habits and attitudes. But what does Jesus have to say about the security of our salvation?

THE SEAL (Part 1) - God’s Guarantee Never to Abandon You

June 10, 2018 • Senior Pastor Armin Sommer • Ephesians 1:13–14

Ancient seals were more vitally important. The “seal” referred both to the mark and the tool that made it. Either an engraved signet ring, or a staff with a stamp. The seal identified an object as yours or from you. In the same manner, when the Holy Spirit indwells a follower of Christ, He accomplishes a similar task. Find out how you're "Sealed" with the Holy Spirit.