
The Substitute Pt.1 - Ransom

March 22, 2020

March 22, 2020 • Mark 9:30–31, Mark 10:32–34, Mark 8:31–32

Why exactly did a high price of cosmic porportions have to be paid for our salvation?

GOOD FRIDAY (The Substitute - Pt.4 - The Great “Aha!” Moment At the Cross)

April 10, 2020 • Mark 15:22–39

In the gospel of Mark 15:22-39, we discover this essential truth, that "Direct access to God is yours for the asking." To see that more clearly, in this sermon, Pastor Armin will help us consider two people who played unique roles on that day: the High Priest and the Roman Centurion.

The Substitute - Pt.3 Palm Sunday

April 5, 2020 • Senior Pastor Armin Sommer

The Substitute Pt.2 - The Table

March 29, 2020 • Pastor Reuben Scheeringa • Luke 22:14–23

So much happens at the TABLE. This is not a new concept, it has been a tradition since the beginning of creation. It was a concept not lost on the ministry of Christ as well. Jesus utilized the table for so many huge moments in scripture, specifically, the last supper of Christ. Find out in today's message the implication of what unfolded at the supper table on that fateful night.