
The HOPE - Pt.1: Do We Become Angels?

1 Corinthians 15; Philippians 3; Revelation 21

April 3, 2016 • Senior Pastor Armin Sommer • 1 Corinthians 15, Philippians 3, Revelation 21

I’ve heard people say and seen it inscribed even on headstones, “God needed another angel in heaven.” Similar to that is the promotion of the departed loved one to the status of protective guardian angel, “So-and-so is now watching over us.” Others believe that some people hang around a home or other location as ghosts with unfinished business. Much of what people believe about life after death constitute a kind of “folk religion” that has taken root in much of western culture. For the next several weeks, we will explore questions like:
o What do we mean by "resurrection"?
o What happens right after we die?
o What will we be?
o What will we do? Where will we live?

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