
SENSIBLE - Pt.2 - Is the Jesus of the Gospel the Jesus of History?

Selected Scriptures

April 23, 2017 • Senior Pastor Armin Sommer

If Jesus did rise, then we have a strong case that God exists and revealed Himself as a man. If there is an all-powerful, relational, and intelligent God of the universe, then it is reasonable to expect that He would reveal Himself

SENSIBLE - Pt.1 - Why the Resurrection Makes Sense

April 16, 2017 • Senior Pastor Armin Sommer • Matthew 28:1–10

What makes the idea of a resurrected savior not merely a step of faith, but also sensible? And what convinced people that Jesus is God. That is certainly what people understood when He took upon Himself the Divine Name (“I AM”) in John 8:58. Which is certainly why his fellow Jews wanted to kill him.