
Miracles (Part 3) - Attitude Adjustment

2 KINGS 5:1-19

July 22, 2018 • Pastor Scott McCrea

Today we’re going to look at the story of a man named Naaman who was suffering from an incurable disease, and he was told how to get rid of his disease – only he wasn’t quite ready to be humble enough for what he heard. In fact, we’re going to see that Naaman almost missed the healing that God had for him because of his PRIDEFUL ATTITUDE.

Miracles (Part 5) - What If?

August 5, 2018 • Pastor Cameron Baker • John 11:1–52

What if... A question that still plagues mankind today: What if I had waited. What if I had finished school. What if I stopped earlier. What if I went back, What if I wasn't so stubborn, What if 'that' didn't happen to me. Learn from today's message how to leave your "what-if" worrying about yesterday, and trust God's plan for today.

Miracles (Part 4) - Fire on the Mountain

July 29, 2018 • Pastor Scott McCrea • 1 Kings 8:17–39

Our miracle today is about proving who the real God is and helping us be able to recognize and follow the real God instead of following the false gods of the world. In order for us to really be able to recognize God as the one true God and follow Him, we need to be confident in our hearts and minds about the answers to these 3 questions: Do we really have to make a choice? How do we recognize a false god? What makes the true God different?

Miracles (Part 2) - Remember Who Calls the Shots

July 15, 2018 • Pastor Segun "Shegz" Aiyegbusi • John 18:1–11

On the night of His arrest, Jesus heals the chopped off ear of a man named, Malchus. What makes this miracle extraordinary is not just the restoration of the ear, itself, but the circumstances surrounding and leading up to the miracle itself. From a human perspective, it is a chaotic and about-to-be a violent scene, yet it’s in the midst of the chaos that Jesus slows down the reel to perform a miracle.