
Goliath Must Fall

Grace and Giants

March 21, 2021 • Joel Owen

In our final message in the series Goliath Must Fall we answer the question: What happens if my giant doesn’t fall? Sin will constantly reawaken things in our lives that desire to pull us away from Jesus and our community of faith. But there is grace in our sin and a Shepherd who fights for us to restore us when we fail.

Addiction Must Fall

March 14, 2021 • Joel Owen

In this message we face down against one final giant: addiction! We are a culture that is constantly faced with addiction; it’s not just alcohol, drugs or pornography that plague our lives. In this message we discuss what addiction is and how to find freedom through the power of Jesus Christ.

Anger Must Fall

March 7, 2021 • Scottie Dancey

Comfort Must Fall

February 28, 2021 • Joel Owen

In this message we talk about a sneaky giant- one most people would never recognize as a giant in their life. This giant doesn’t appear to have you by the throat holding you down like fear or rejection, but it can be just as deadly to your faith. As a result, the giant of comfort must fall!

Rejection Must Fall

February 21, 2021 • Joel Owen

The danger of a giant like rejection in our lives is that it attacks in multiple ways- some subtle, some in your face. Rejection can be deadly. That’s why we want God to put it to death in our lives as we learn to live from His acceptance.

Fear Must Fall

February 14, 2021 • Joel Owen

Fear is a giant that comes for all of us! The Bible tells us over and over again not to be afraid. So, how do we deal with the giant of fear and see it fall in our lives? Build a life of faith; faith is the antidote to fear! In this message we find 3 root causes for fear and 4 ways to lay fear at the feet of Jesus.

Bigger Than Your Giant

February 7, 2021 • Joel Owen

Goliath was imposing and full of power over the people of God- until David showed up in the power of God to put an end to reign of terror! We all have giants in our lives that taunt us and mock us, keeping us from enjoying the fullness of life Jesus has for us. We need Jesus to enter our camp and put our giants to death! And He has! Jesus is bigger than your giant.