
Worthy is the Lamb

February 10, 2019 • Joel Owen

As John lingers in the throne room of God, he notices a scroll with seven seals in God’s right hand- but he grieves that no one is worthy to open the scroll! Finally, Jesus steps forward as the One worthy to open the scroll and the worship of heaven erupts. The first four seals are opened and reveal God’s long-term plan for judging the earth.


Revelation Wrap Up Q&A

May 26, 2019 • Joel Owen

This week we wrap our study on the book of Revelation by answering questions submitted to Pastor Joel by our Faith Family. As this study comes to a close we wanted to make sure any questions people have been wrestling with and have not had answered in the main teaching gets addressed.

Jesus: The Coming King

May 19, 2019 • Joel Owen

The final chapter of Revelation assures us that not only is Jesus coming, as He has promised, He is coming soon! We wait for His return with hope and in the grace Jesus provides. Jesus is the soon coming King!

All Things New

May 12, 2019 • Joel Owen

With the final judgement of sin having taken place, John describes God creating new heavens and a new earth so He can dwell in perfect relationship with His covenant people once and for all! This message looks at the heart behind God’s creative purpose and takes us on a tour of the New Jerusalem.