
Sending Savior - Week 3

Mark 6:30-44

April 22, 2018 • Pastor Kyle Rogers

The story of Jesus feeding the five thousand is about so much more than just fish and bread. Instead, this story shows us that Jesus is on a mission to use under-resourced and inadequate people like you and me to point the world to Himself.

Sending Savior - Week 11

June 24, 2018 • Pastor Kyle Rogers

When we focus on the physical we’re going to miss the spiritual. Far too often we are so focused on our physical wants or needs that we forget God’s providence in the current and the past. And in those situations, God has given us stories to reference His faithfulness when physical circumstances get tough.

Sending Savior - Week 10

June 17, 2018 • Pastor Kyle Rogers

As adults we take pride in our independence and in our ability to do life on our own. Unfortunately, this same pride makes us proud before God and we find it rather easy to do life apart from Him. Jesus offers another way; the way of humility and dependence and complete reliance upon a Good Father who loves us very much.

Sending Savior - Week 9

June 10, 2018 • Pastor Kyle Rogers

Jesus is the promised Savior few want, but all need. He saves broken desolate people from themselves and eternal damnation. He has the power to make desolate hearts and lives flourish no matter the past, place, or circumstance.