
Rediscovering Our UM Roots | Week 4 | Connected | Rev. Laurie Gates-Ward

February 11, 2024 • Rev Laurie Gates-Ward • Colossians 3:12–17

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Rediscovering Our UM Roots | Week 4 | Connected | Rev. Laurie Gates-Ward

Rediscovering Our United Methodist Roots


Series Overview:

Roots give us the stability and nourishment we need to grow and break new ground. As we seek to grow in our faith as individuals and as the church, looking back at the deep roots of the Methodist movement can help us look forward to our future. More than mere traditions or rituals, our Methodist roots are evidence of God’s Spirit moving through our history, the same Spirit who is breathing life into us today.

Roots: Holy Conferencing

Scout Sunday

Presentation of Colors


Scripture Reading | Colossians 3:12-17

Opening Songs | Hear Our Praises

Closing Song | You Have Saved Us

Special Music | All to Us

Hymn | TFWS 2223 - They’ll Know We’re Christians By Our Love | UMH - We’ve Come This Far By Faith

Prayer Chorus | TFWS 2215 - The Cares Chorus

Doxology | UMH 94 - Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow

Benediction Response | - Bind Us Together

Our February Special Second Offering is for the Quessua Mission in Angola

Missionary Kutela Katembo Bio | Kutela Katembo Bio

Angola Quessua Mission | Angola Quessua Mission

Giving | Giving and Special Offering


>>Church app | Good Shepherd UMC App


YouTube Link | YOUTUBE.com/@GSUMC.waldorf


FaceBook Link | FACEBOOK.com/gsumcwaldorf


GSUMC Website | Good Shepherd UMC Waldorf MD


GSUMC Newsletter | Good Shepherd UMC Newsletter



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Please Mark Your Calendar and Save The Date


February 04 thru May 19 - Confirmation Class - after Sunday service

February 12 - Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser - Relay for Life

February 10 - UMM Monthly Breakfast Meeting - all are welcome

February 13 - Shrove Tuesday - Youth Group Pancake Dinner 5:30-7:00

February 14 - Ash Wednesday Service at Peace Lutheran 7:00pm

February 23-24 - Youth Group 30 Hour Famine

February 25 - Jazz Sunday

February 25 - Townhall Meeting

April 17 - Mary Wattenford Scholarship submissions due

April 26 - Kentucky Derby Fundraiser - Waldorf Jaycees - Jazz Quartet


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If you are having issues with the above Web Links, Use the Web Links on the "Church App." YouTube doesn't like the web links we use but they work on our "Church App."



Our Mission:

Through God's love we will engage and empower everyone to be living disciples.


