
Hymn Sing Sunday | Hymns of Rest, Come Away | Rev. Laurie Gates-Ward

July 21, 2024 • Rev Laurie Gates-Ward, Brian Turnmire, Sue Norris • Mark 6:30–34, Mark 6:53–56

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Hymn Sing Sunday | Hymns of Rest, Come Away | Rev. Laurie Gates-Ward

Our JULY Special Second Offering is for Angel Tree

Scripture Reading | Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

Opening Songs | Still

Closing Songs | Cornerstone

Hymn | UHM 349 - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus


Sermon Hymns

Hymn | UHM 398 - Jesus Calls Us

Hymn | UHM 472 - Near to The Heart of God

Hymn | UHM 367 - He Touched Me


Prayer Chorus | TFWS 2215 - The Cares Chorus

Doxology | UMH 94 - Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow

Benediction Response | Draw the Circle Wide

Giving | Giving and Special Offering


>>Church app | Good Shepherd UMC App


YouTube Link | YOUTUBE.com/@GSUMC.waldorf


FaceBook Link | FACEBOOK.com/gsumcwaldorf


GSUMC Website | Good Shepherd UMC Waldorf MD


GSUMC Newsletter | Good Shepherd UMC Newsletter

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Please Mark Your Calendar and Save The Date


August 10 - UMM Breakfast 8am - All are Welcome to join

August 14 - Wednesday Night Fellowship Dinner 6pm-8pm

August 18 - School Supply Drive

August 30 - Fifth Friday Faith Talk 9am (meet: Aug, Nov, 2024)

September 15 - Homecoming


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Our Mission:

Through God's love we will engage and empower everyone to be living disciples.


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