
Why Words Matter

What four parts of the Bible say about words

May 1, 2024 • Pastor Tom Arnould • Proverbs 18:21

I had a birthday a few months ago and turned 60. I felt that now was a good time for me to develop a 10 year plan to set out goals and things to work toward. One of the main tenets is the desire I have to think about the words that are spoken out of my mouth. The harvest created by your words can be either bad or good. God is merciful to us but ultimately the words we say will control the outcome. I want to dive into the scriptural backing behind the reasoning that our words matter tonight. I believe that the Old Testament, Proverbs, Gospels, and Epistles all have important doctrine about the power of our words.

The Power of Words!

May 26, 2024 • Pastor Tom Arnould • Hebrews 11:1–3

In our faith the words we speak have immense value. The act of salvation itself is said by the Bible to be partially an act of speech, describing that by the act of confession salvation is brought about. Our words can affect three worlds: the one we are living in, the spirit world, and the demonic realm. I want to recap today what I have been covering recently in Wednesday night messages what I have been speaking over words and emphasize to you their importance.

What Jesus Said about Words

May 22, 2024 • Pastor Tom Arnould • Matthew 12:34–35

I would like to continue on with the concept of the power of words, this time focusing on what Jesus said about the power of words in the gospels. Words can linger in your spirit for a very long time, and the positive and negative statements of others can stick with you for even a lifetime. We have all been witnesses of how a kind word from someone brings us joy, or a hurtful comment tears us down and takes a long time to recover from. It is therefore important to observe what Jesus had to say about this subject and how we much exercise caution.

You Are Important

May 19, 2024 • Pastor Tom Arnould • Psalm 90:12

I feel that there is a power in the thought of "people don't realize how important their life is." Your life is tremendously important regardless of what stage you are in or what you have done. You can have the sole power in some cases to make a difference in someone else's life. We have all been on the receiving side of this, where our life was forever impacted because of the actions of someone else.