
The Key to Success

The importance of meditating God's word

April 17, 2024 • Pastor Tom Arnould • Joshua 1:8

In October 2019, I wrote a journal entry where I recorded how I had asked the Lord what life adjustment I could make to have a greater impact on his kingdom. During the night, I felt God deal with me about the importance of meditating the word. I knew that God was saying if I would meditate God's word regularly, I would be more effective to him. I saw a comparison between a strong engine and the heart that is strengthened by meditation, in that they are both tuned to do what they are intended for. The Bible emphasizes the importance of this habit, and I hope to bring some light to it from scripture to you.

How God Judges

May 15, 2024 • Pastor Tom Arnould • Luke 19:22

I'm going to continue my message from several weeks ago which focused on why our words matter. Even if we are taking care to not speak profanity or unwholesome talk, there is still attention that should be paid to the words we are speaking in terms of what we are speaking over ourselves. The Bible states that God will judge us on terms of the words we have said. If we have spoken life or death, those will judge us.

The Wise Woman

May 12, 2024 • Pastor Tom Arnould • Proverbs 31:10–31

I am grateful for the role that women have had in church history and that they continue to have. The first person to accept Christ in the continent of Europe that we know of was a woman named Lydia, and the gospels also describe a number of women who ministered to the Lord. Proverbs 31 describes several criteria of what makes such a "wise" woman who is in tune with spiritual principles and not wasteful, lazy, or vain. Such a "Proverbs 31 woman" makes for an excellent companion and spiritual influence.

A Great Marriage

May 5, 2024 • Pastor Tom Arnould • Matthew 19

What makes for a great marriage? God puts a priority on marriage, in fact, it was his idea. A good marriage does not only benefit itself -- it will benefit your career, mental health, and almost every other area you can imagine. People can develop an erroneous idea that they can compartmentalize their marriage, but it affects every part of your life, serving as part of your spiritual core. I'd like to explore what Scripture has to say about this subject and hopefully bring some enrichment to your current or future marriage.