
Speak Lord

God's audible call to young Samuel

June 19, 2024 • Pastor Tom Arnould • 1 Samuel 1:1–9

Last week I shared about visions to you. While I would not say visions are an often occurrence for me, they are always a blessing to receive and do their part to reveal something to me that God is trying to communicate. In the passage of 1 Samuel, we see the biblical precedent for God speaking outside of the written word to people to directly connect with his spiritual children. At a young age the future prophet Samuel was called by God in a manner which seemed audible to him. We must keep our ears listening and not shut out what God is trying to say to us.

Be the Answer

June 23, 2024 • Pastor Tom Arnould • Jeremiah 33:3

It is a wonderful thing to have your prayer answered by God. Some have referred to the passage of Jeremiah 33:3 as "God's phone number" in that it describes how to get God' attention. But the reality is actually quite simple: God will answer you whenever you call out to him. God will not abandon us in our time of need. His love for us means he will answer to us as a good heavenly father. God's answer to us will show us things that were hidden previously -- all we have to do is call out to him and he will answer.

Write the Vision

June 12, 2024 • Pastor Tom Arnould • Habakkuk 2:2–4

In my sixty years of life, God has given me various dreams and visions. Tonight I'd like to discuss seven of these with you and describe the impact they have had on me. The Old Testament has a passage in which the prophet Habakkuk is instructed to "write the vision and make it plain upon tablets." I believe that whenever we are given a vision by God that it is important for us to record it and allow its message to live on far better than our feeble memory could allow it to. By meditating on these visions and the Scripture that backs them, you will have your eyes opened to biblical truths.

A Faithful Father

June 16, 2024 • Pastor Tom Arnould • Luke 15:11–32

On this Father's day I would like to talk to you about your heavenly father. Even for those who never knew their earthly father, or had a poor relationship with them, God is there as the model example of fatherhood for each one of us. The gospel of Luke describes the story of the prodigal son, one who threw away everything his father had given him and took it for granted. And yet when he returned, the father embraced him and threw a banquet to celebrate his return. Our heavenly father holds these similar qualities of forgiveness and love for his children.