
The Power of Death & Life

Your sayings can undo your prayings

June 2, 2024 • Pastor Tom Arnould • Proverbs 18:21

I am continuing my series on the power of words, in particular the power of life and death that is held in your words. Our words have a way of lifting us up, like through praise. They are also just as capable as limiting us. It is therefore of utmost important to reflect on our words. Why? Your sayings can undo your prayings. Our time in prayer is not the only time where words matter, as our words spoken whenever are just as capable of bringing about physical and spiritual change.

Finishing Strong

June 9, 2024 • Pastor Tom Arnould • Hebrews 12:1–3

Hebrews 12 speaks on the importance of us running our race. Whether you are conscious of it or not, you are in a race, a spiritual one. You have been called to run it with endurance and excellence. Our ability to fulfill this call can be hindered by sins and other earthly attachments. In these latter days it is even moreso important to exhibit endurance in your race you run, as the great cloud of witnesses in the heroes of the faith have done before us.

New Covenant Confessions

June 5, 2024 • Pastor Tom Arnould • Acts 11:13–17

I want to continue on with the topic of words with you all. I think it's interesting that Proverbs states that "death and life are in the power of the tongue," putting death before life. I believe this serves to emphasize the incredible destructive power that words can have to the reader ensuring we take care. Tonight however I would like to cover the New Testament and its various passages of words being spoken to give life to a situation. These instances can serve as confessions for us to be usable in every day.

The Power of Words!

May 26, 2024 • Pastor Tom Arnould • Hebrews 11:1–3

In our faith the words we speak have immense value. The act of salvation itself is said by the Bible to be partially an act of speech, describing that by the act of confession salvation is brought about. Our words can affect three worlds: the one we are living in, the spirit world, and the demonic realm. I want to recap today what I have been covering recently in Wednesday night messages what I have been speaking over words and emphasize to you their importance.