
Yes - You Belong Here

July 14, 2024 • Pastor Paul Vaughan • Proverbs 24:16, Isaiah 40:27–31, Romans 8:38, Ecclesiastes 4:12, Proverbs 4:23

This week we conclude our sermon series "You Belong Here." In the final message, titled "Yes-You Belong Here" we'll explore the idea that everyone belongs as a child of God. Many of us struggle to fit in or feel a sense of belonging, often due to our past experiences. This week, we'll be reminded of three key truths that affirm our belonging in Christ: 1) Know Whose You Are, 2) Stay Away From Isolation, 3) Lean on The Holy Spirit.

Scripture: Isaiah 40:27-31, Romans 8:38, Ecclesiastes 4:12, Proverbs 4:23, Proverbs 24:16, Ephesians 3:14-17, John 10:10


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