
I Need A Break

April 14, 2024 • Pastor Paul Vaughan • Matthew 11:28–29, Mark 6:31, Psalm 46:10

In this series, we'll explore what we truly need in our lives according to God's word, not the world's standards. In this week's message titled "I Need A Break," we will discover that we can find rest because God is in control. Many of us often feel exhausted just thinking about everything; there's always so much to do! Who hasn’t exclaimed in despair, “It’s always something, and it feels like it will never end!” 

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to just escape from it all? We all require a break from this weariness to allow our souls some much-needed rest and refreshment. Our souls are full of energy, and it’s easy to forget that we are depleting the battery that keeps us connected to our power source – God. Fortunately, through Jesus, we can find rest amidst the chaos. 

I believe it will be a powerful message that reminds us to "Be still and know that He is God!"

Scripture: Matthew 11:28-29, Mark 6:31, Psalms 46:10


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