

March 31, 2024 • Pastor Paul Vaughan • Luke 24:13–24, Luke 24:30–33, Luke 24:41–43, Revelation 3:20

This week marks the celebration of the most significant event in human history—the resurrection of our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ. Easter is a time of remembrance and jubilation, affirming the eternal truth that Jesus lives! His resurrection fills our hearts with hope.

This week we will talk about how Easter brings us Hope. Hope is a precious essence that often seems elusive. Perhaps you approach Easter feeling abandoned, alone, or overlooked, questioning, "God, where are You? Do You still care? Are You even listening?" Know this: He hears you. He sees beyond the surface, understanding that what appears as despair is, in truth, a pathway to triumph. The adversity of Friday paves the way for the triumph of Sunday. Your current despair is the very ground upon which He will sow seeds of hope! Even if you've turned away from Jesus, His love remains steadfast. Though you may feel hopeless as you walk away, turn to Jesus, and you will walk away filled with hope!

Scripture: Luke 24:13-24, 30-33, 41-43; Revelation 3:20


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