
The Beatitudes

Joy and Gladness in Perspective

July 31, 2022 • Phil Ward • Matthew 5:11–12

Week 9 of our series, "The Beatitudes" The likelihood of being falsely accused of all kinds of evil is high for those who follow Jesus, since he experienced that exact thing. But when this happens, we should choose to be glad and joyous people because this is evidence that the Spirit of Christ lives in us and that we are being found worthy of the name of Christ that we should suffer in the way of Christ

Persecuted for the Right Reasons

July 24, 2022 • Phil Ward • Matthew 5:10

Week 8 of our series, "The Beatitudes" Following Jesus is a commitment to righteousness (conformity to God's will according to God's Word), which will likely result in persecution. But we can be encouraged and reassured that we are receiving the kingdom of heaven as a consolation.

He Who Makes Peace

July 17, 2022 • Geoff Weakley • Matthew 5:9

Week 7 of our series, "The Beatitudes"

Becoming What We See

July 10, 2022 • Phil Ward • Matthew 5:8

Week 6 of our series, "The Beatitudes"

The Reward of Mercy

July 3, 2022 • Josh McCullers • Matthew 5:7

Week 5 of our series, "The Beatitudes"

Satisfied by God

June 26, 2022 • Phil Ward • Matthew 5:6

Week 4 of our series, "The Beatitudes" As citizens of the kingdom of God, we are to hunger and thirst for righteousness knowing that we will be ultimately satisfied. However, we often pursue self-righteousness and feel hollow as a result.

Prioritizing the Interests of Others

June 19, 2022 • Phil Ward • Matthew 5:5

Week 3 of our series, "The Beatitudes" The meek are those who have a desire to see the interests of others advanced ahead of their own because they know they are under God's goodness and love. So, the meek will gladly spend and be spent in loving service of others for God's glory.

Hope for the Brokenhearted

June 12, 2022 • Matt Pierce • Matthew 5:4

Week 2 of our series, "The Beatitudes"

Nothing to Offer, Everything to Gain

June 5, 2022 • Phil Ward • Matthew 5:1–3

Week 1 of our series, "The Beatitudes" The Beatitudes reflect the way citizens of the kingdom of God live. The central characteristic is humility. The first beatitude is the humble recognition of our spiritual bankruptcy and dependency upon the grace of God in Christ