
Home and Family


February 16, 2020 • Pastor Jeff Brussaly

As we dig into the marriages that God desires and His pattern for victory we continue by looking at 2 areas that often cause issues in the home. Money and Intimacy. God has a pattern for freedom in both of these areas.

In It to Win It

February 23, 2020 • Pastor Sherry Brussaly

Train up a child in the way they should go and when old they will not depart from it. Parenting is work, and can feel overwhelming at times. It is though, the most important job a parent has, and we have our kids on loan from God for a time. He has the plan and design for their lives, and wants to help parents to lead their kids onto the path God has marked out for them.

God's State of the Union

February 9, 2020 • Pastor Scott Love

God Opens the story of creation with a marriage of Adam and Eve and closes the Bible out with the marriage supper of the lamb. Marriage represents God and is a picture of Christ and the Church. It is important to God, and His stance on the union of marriage has not shifted or changed since the begining.