One of the biggest blessings of being a Christian is that our Resurrected Lord promised to be with us always! Of course, we’re thankful that through faith in Him and His resurrection, we will be with Jesus always at our death or the Second Coming. But we recognize today that the truth of our everlasting life is also true of our daily life, even when things seem uncertain! Jesus, the Risen Christ, isn’t just with us in the future far away, but Jesus, the Risen Christ, is with us right here and now! He’s here for us! He watches over us! Even when the future is uncertain, our connection to Jesus never will be, and through Him, God will provide for us as we live our resurrected life!
When the Future is Uncertain
April 7, 2024 • Pastor Ben Johnson • 1 Kings 17:8–16
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Living the Resurrected Life