
When People Oppose You

April 21, 2024 • Pastor Tim Phillips • 2 Timothy 4:9–18

The Bible gives us an important reminder in 2 Timothy 3:12 when it says, “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”  Living the resurrected life in and through the Risen Christ, that’s not what you wanted to hear, right?  But it’s true.  If you take a stand on God’s Word and are sold out for the Risen Jesus…you will be persecuted, people will oppose you.  They won’t like the resurrected life and resurrected lifestyle the Bible proposes.  They won’t like the exclusivity of Christianity, namely, the Risen Jesus is the only “way, truth, and life”.  Nonetheless, we’ve been captivated by Christ and the truth of His life, death and yes, His resurrection, so much so, that we’d never deny Him or pull back or walk away!  We’re living our resurrected life even in the face of opposition!