
Prayer against Poverty

Prayer against Poverty
Father, you are the God of Sufficiency and I declare that I lack nothing. You are Jehovah Jirah, my provider. You are my source. You have given me everything that I need according to your riches in glory. Father God, I thank you that I am a person of substance. I declare that I am a person of wealth. I break the spirit of lack off of my life and I command my finances to increase. I declare that I walk in your abundance. I declare divine overflow in my life. I declare that I am prosperous and every need has been met. These things I declare in Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer for a Sound Mind

Prayer for a Sound Mind Lord, I thank you for a sound mind. I break every stronghold off of my mind. I break every limitation and I command every wall to fall. Father, breakthrough bands of resistance. I thank you that I see as you see, I think as you think, I speak as you speak. Father, I thank you for the renewed mind. Today, I command my mind to shift, to elevate, to expand. I thank you for an open mind, a mind that is no longer wavering. I bind the spirit of doubt, and I command my mind to stabilize. I thank you that my mind is in agreement with you and your will for my life. Break every restraint and remove every negative thinking pattern. I bind the spirit of fear, anxiety, and panic and I thank you that your peace rules my mind. Thank you, Father, In Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer against False Identity

Prayer against False Identity Lord God you created me in your image. Before I was formed in the womb, you knew me. You created me for purpose. Lord, I renounce every demonic influence and I silence my ears to the enemy. I declare all that you are, I am. I am the righteousness of God. Father, flood my mind with truth and remove the scales from my eyes regarding who I am in you. May I see myself through your eyes? I cast down every false imagination and every lie that the enemy has told me. I declare that I am a child of the most high God and I thank you that my identity is in you. In Jesus name. Amen.

Prayer for a New Business

Prayer for a New Business Father God, I thank you for my season of next. I thank you for wisdom on how to start a business. I thank you for new opportunities, open doors, and divine connections. I thank you for the business mindset. Father download in me new strategies on how to move forward. Give me wisdom, understanding, and creativity. You have placed this desire in me, so I know you will sustain me. Father, you have provided me with everything I need to be successful. I declare that the doors are already opened. I decree and declare that my business is thriving, and I give it back to you that you may increase it. In Jesus Name. Amen.