
Sermon Podcast

Noah and the Reasons of Faith; Faith as Understanding

September 18, 1994 • Dr. Timothy Keller

People often speak as if faith and reason are implacable enemies. In this sermon, Tim Keller argues the contrary - that the more we think, the deeper our faith grows. He contrasts the explanatory power of Christianity and atheism, and argues that it is only through Christianity that we can truly make sense of the world we experience.

Hell: Isn't the God of Christianity an angry Judge?

October 22, 2006 • Dr. Timothy Keller

The Christian understanding of hell gives us insight into the danger of our own hearts. It also gives us resources to live in peace in the world, and to know the love of God who suffered hell for us.

Literalism: Isn't the Bible historically unreliable and regressive?

November 5, 2006 • Dr. Timothy Keller

Some people claim that they can't trust in the Bible because it is historically unreliable and culturally regressive. But do we have cultural blinders on? Dr. Keller discusses solid reasons that we can trust the Bible historically, culturally, and personally.

Absolutism: Don't we all have to find truth for ourselves?

October 8, 2006 • Dr. Timothy Keller

In today's society, absolute truth is thought of to be the enemy of freedom. But truth is more important than you think, freedom is a lot more complex than you think,and Jesus is a lot more liberating than you think. Surrendering to God's absolute truth gives you a deeper, richer freedom in every area, without oppression.

Blueprint for Revival: Social Concern

September 2, 1990 • Dr. Timothy Keller

The parable of the Good Samaritan demonstrates a biblical model of social work and compassion. The Samaritan meets the physical, financial, emotional, and material needs of the man in his path. This parable reminds us that real faith is expressed in deeds as well as sentiments and words.

The Community of Jesus

January 19, 2003 • Dr. Timothy Keller

Jesus not only saves us from our sins,he weaves us into a new human community. That community is characterized by a reversal of values. When we realize that we are both sinners and saved by grace, we will have freedom from the values that previously defined us, and yet a regard and love for those who don't share our values.

The Word Made Flesh

December 13, 2009 • Dr. Timothy Keller

John's Gospel begins by teaching that Jesus Christ is the Word of God. Just as we come to know a person through speaking to them and listening to their words, we come to know God by listening to Jesus speak to us. Yet, Jesus did not come solely to speak. He came to live among us so that there is nothing we will suffer that He has not also suffered. But most of all, He came to die for us. In the incarnation, God became vulnerable to us - even to death - and yet He loved us so much that He was glad to so.

Generosity in Scarcity

May 31, 2009 • Dr. Timothy Keller

Habbakuk tells us how to deal with evil times and maintain joy when everything is going wrong. There are three principles to giving: give sacrificially, joyfully and graciously. We must recognize that everything is a gift from God, so we're giving back from his gifts. Habbakuk points to Jesus as the true source of our strength.

Truth, Tears, Anger, and Grace

September 16, 2001 • Dr. Timothy Keller

A recording of the Sunday service after 9/11. Jesus experiences both anger and grief in the face of human suffering. But he also brings about a resurrection; according to the Bible, everything bad will come untrue. Jesus is the perfect Counselor who gives us grace even when he has to suffer for us.

Pride: The Case of Nebuchadnezzar

February 5, 1995 • Dr. Timothy Keller

Nebuchadnezzar's pride began in contentment and prosperity, but he had no peace of mind. It caused him to take credit for everything he'd achieved. God dehumanized him in a reflection of what pride had done to his heart. Only when he recognized his debt to God - and that he was the object of God's mercy - could he be humbled and healed of his pride.

A Conversation with Tim Keller on Gospel Movements

July 25, 2016 • Dr. Timothy Keller

A special recorded conversation with Tim Keller as he explores what makes a gospel movement and the inflection point we find ourselves in today. To learn more about how you can be part of a movement that is reaching a tipping point of gospel influence, visit http://rise.redeemer.com/10x10

Hope, Race and Power

April 25, 2004 • Dr. Timothy Keller

Racial and cultural differences exist. They cannot be resolved by simply embracing broad-mindedness, but by adjusting our lives and forming deep relationships with people from whom we are different. These relationships will enable us to finally view all aspects of God's glory.

The Still Small Voice

September 26, 1999 • Dr. Timothy Keller

The reality of God is far greater than our conceptions of God. In this passage, Elijah, persecuted and feeling hopeless, returns to the mountain where God appeared to Moses and hopes for a similar spectacular revelation of His glory. Yet God confounds and comforts Elijah by appearing as a still small voice.

Rejecting the Real Jesus

September 22, 1996 • Dr. Timothy Keller

Why do so many people disbelieve Christianity and reject the message of Jesus Christ? The underlying problem is that we do not want to give up control over our lives and have God be our ultimate authority. To overcome unbelief we must see our need for a Savior and look to Jesus Christ, the wisdom of God, who died for us on the cross.

The Final Hour

April 16, 2000 • Dr. Timothy Keller

The cross solves many of our deepest human dilemmas. We wonder how there can be a God when there is so much injustice in the world, yet of all the world's religions, only Christianity has a God who comes down and suffers injustice alongside us. We wonder how we can ever truly please a perfectly holy God, but on the cross, Jesus satisfies the holiness of God for us. The temple curtain is torn, and we are welcomed inside as God's children.