
Signs Pointing to 2025

October 7, 2024

BESIDES THE WARS, rumors of war, famines, earthquakes, and nation rising against nation, there are other indicators that the year 2025 may be biblically significant.

First, the prophecies of the Essenes of the Second Temple period, who identified 2025 as the beginning of the final 50-year jubilee. In addition, central banks will begin trials of digital assets—virtual money—next year, the beginning of a shift to Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), a big step toward creating the mark of the Beast.

Then there are New Agers looking for what occultist Alice Bailey called the externalization of the Hierarchy, a vaguely defined concept that appears to mean the manifestation of… something. (Please understand we give this belief no credence whatsoever. We bring this up only to show that the Fallen have their agents on alert and ready to act as we approach the end of the age.)

Finally, although we do not set dates, we note that the Feast of Tabernacles next year, which concludes on Monday, October 13, 2025 is 3-1/2 years before the arrival of asteroid Apophis, named for the Egyptian chaos-serpent, which Tom Horn suggested might be the third trumpet judgment (Rev. 8:10–11) in his jaw-dropping book The Wormwood Prophecy. If, as Tom suggested, Wormwood marks the middle of the seven-year Great Tribulation, then the beginning coincides with the end of Tabernacles, the most important feast in the annual Jewish calendar.

Add to that wars in Ukraine and between Israel and its neighbors that threaten to escalate, not to mention the potential for unrest in the United States after our presidential election next month, and 2025 could be a very interesting and consequential year.