
The Financial State of the Union

March 5, 2017 • John Ragan

STOCKS HAVE been on the rise since the election of Donald Trump. But the Dow doesn’t have any connection to reality.

John Ragan, one of the featured speakers at the upcoming Hear the Watchman conference in Dallas, joins us to discuss his book The Financial State of the Union and the reasons we need to be prepared for things to take a sudden turn for the worse. As John writes:

We can’t even stop from going further into debt. If we taxed 100% of all income, used it to just pay the interest on all the debt America owes, put aside enough to keep the social insurance programs from going further in the hole, we wouldn’t even have enough left over to fund the Federal Government.

Game of Gods

March 26, 2018 • Carl Teichrib

GOD CREATED humanity with free will, the ability to choose whether to love Him and love one another, or not. Rather than cherish this precious gift, most of us spend most of our time blaming our circumstances on everything except our choices. And now a growing spiritual movement is promoting the concept of Oneness, the idea that our destiny is to become parts of one cosmic Whole. Carl Teichrib, author of the forthcoming book Game of Gods: The Temple of Man in the Age of Re-enchantment, has been researching and writing about this movement for years, and he explains that it's a lot more advanced than most of us realize.

Talking Turkey About the Mahdi

March 18, 2018 • Dr. Timothy Furnish

WE'RE SHAMELESSLY stealing the title of a recent article by this week's guest for the title of the episode. Dr. Timothy Furnish, author of Ten Years' Captivation with the Mahdi's Camps: Essays on Muslim Eschatology 2005-2015, joins us to discuss the recent call by Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for a unified Islamic army to confront Israel.

The God Dimension

February 11, 2018 • Trey Smith

IS ALL of human history prophetically foretold in the first sentence of the Book of Genesis? Trey Smith discusses his new film The God Dimension and the remarkable properties of the language of the prophets.