
Prophecies Fulfilled by Modern Israel

September 9, 2024 • Carl Gallups

GOD REVEALED to the Hebrew prophets that Israel would be scattered to the nations and then regathered. The second half of those prophecies was fulfilled in 1948.

Pastor Carl Gallups, author of Eyes to See and Gods of Ground Zero, discusses the prophecies fulfilled by the return of Israel to the land, especially Isaiah 49, in which the prophet foresaw a day when the Jews would say, “The place is too narrow for me; make room for me to dwell in” (Isa. 49:20)—which has been fulfilled by Israel’s refusal to return to the pre-1967 border with Jordan, which squeezed Israel to just nine miles wide at its narrowest point.

We also discuss the violent opposition to Israel’s very existence, which seems unlikely if the state of Israel was, as some contend, a Luciferian state under the control of Satan.