
The Gates of Hell

May 13, 2024

ONE OF THE MOST MYSTERIOUS places in Israel is the recently identified Serpent Mound of Bashan. It’s three-quarters of a mile long, 20 to 25 feet high, covered with more than 140 megalithic tombs probably more than 5,000 years old, and it’s a quarter of a mile from Gilgal Refaim on the Golan Heights.

We discuss the significance of this monument to the cult of the dead and speculate on whether this is why the ancient kingdom of King Og was called Bashan—the “Place of the Serpent.”

We also visited Tel Dan at the foot of Mount Hermon, where we showed how a misunderstood verse in the Book of Hosea reveals that the golden calves of Jeroboam marked a return to the worship of the entity who was believed to live on the mountain, the Canaanite creator-god El—who, as Derek shows in his book The Second Coming of Saturn, was known to the Hebrews as Molech.

Ezekiel’s Valley of the Travelers

May 27, 2024

AT THE SOUTHERN END of the Jordan River, Sodom and Jericho were destroyed, Moses was buried, and Elijah was carried up to heaven in a whirlwind. It’s also where the prophet Ezekiel foresaw the destruction of the army of Gog of Magog. Our video tour of Israel continues east of the Jordan this week as we show you what Moses saw, explain why God called Mount Nebo “this mountain of the Travelers,” and take you out into the desert of ancient Edom. It’s easy to see why the Israelites complained, looking at mostly sand and scrub for forty years!

Prophetic Miracle on the Mount of Olives

May 20, 2024

WALKING IN THE FOOTSTEPS of Abraham, Joshua, David, and Jesus. That’s the short version of this week’s program. Our 2019 tour of Israel took us from Joshua’s altar, site of the discovery of an ancient curse tablet written in archaic Hebrew at a time when the Israelites weren’t supposed to be in the land of Canaan, to the Mount of Olives and the Temple Mount. Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat showed us the historic locations of the crucifixion and burial tomb of Jesus on the Mount of Olives, while our visit to the Temple Mount was interrupted by angry ravens. Zev also shared with us that ancient olives from the time of Jesus have started to germinate and grow on their own—almost as though they’ve been waiting for this day.

Elam, Persia, and Israel

May 6, 2024

IRAN AND ISRAEL exchanged missiles in April, in what appears to be—thankfully—limited hostilities between the two countries. This week, we look at the ancient nation of Elam, which was located in what is now western Iran. It was destroyed by the rising Medo-Persian empire in the 6th century BC, but at times Elam ruled over all of Mesopotamia. In the time of Abraham, an Elamite king led an army against the city-state led by Sodom. More than a thousand years later, Jeremiah prophesied the destruction of Elam. The Lord declared that He would set His throne in Elam—but that a day is still coming when God “will restore the fortunes of Elam.”