
The Weakness of Human Power and Pride

June 9, 2024 • Henry Lokay • Isaiah 2:18–22

"Man is like to vanity; so frail is he, so weak, so helpless, compassed about with so many infirmities, and his continuance here so very short and uncertain, that he is as like as may be to vanity itself. Nay, he is vanity, he is so at his best estate. His days have little substance in them, considering how many of the thoughts and cares of an immortal soul are employed about a poor dying body; they are as a shadow, dark and flitting, transitory and finishing with the sun, and, when that sets, resolving itself into all shadow. They are as a shadow that passeth away, and there is no loss of it." - Matthew Henry

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Defying the Lord

June 23, 2024 • Henry Lokay • Isaiah 3:8–15

"The Scripture teaches that God hates immorality, but today immorality is glorified and excused while purity is scorned; morality is laughed at and thought to be “old-fashioned.” Secular culture militates against Biblical virtues and, sadly, the church often follows close behind. As principles and values are crushed, even some Christian leaders are charmed by sin’s allure and have fallen from grace. The fact that immorality is rampant throughout the nation doesn’t make it right." - Billy Graham

The Folly of Human Dependence

June 16, 2024 • Henry Lokay • Isaiah 3:1–7

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The Day of the Lord of Hosts

June 2, 2024 • Henry Lokay

"God is long-suffering as He watches people viciously exploit one another and selfishly ravage His creation. But there is coming a day when unbelieving sinners will be punished and God's people will share in the glories of His kingdom." - Warren Wiersbe