
The Kingdom - 25 April

The Spirit of the Kingdom - Peakhurst

April 25, 2021 • Pastor Scott Morrison

This Sunday as we enter the second half of our Kingdom Series. For the next three messages in the series we explore how the outpouring of the Holy Spirit shapes and empowers life in the Kingdom, starting with how the Spirit brings a new reality around our identity and purpose in life.

More from The Kingdom

The Kingdom - 4 July

July 4, 2021 • Pastor Scott Morrison

Revelation 20,21 This week we come to the end of our half year long telling of the great story of Jesus the King and His Kingdom. We explore how the book of Revelation describes what is to come and how this vision can fill us with a deep hope in life in the face of our present sufferings.

The Kingdom - 20 June

June 20, 2021 • Pastor Scott Morrison

Our journey through the big story of the kingdom is nearing its destination, and this week we shift from looking back to looking forward. We explore how the story ends and one of the topics Jesus most spoke on - judgement! Who does the judging, when and on what basis are we to be judged. These are neither light nor uncontroversial questions but are indeed central to the good news of the Kingdom. I hope, by the end you will discover that judgement is indeed good news. ~ Pastor Scott Morrison

The Kingdom - 6 June

June 6, 2021 • Pastor Scott Morrison

As John Stott famously said, “our God is a missionary God.” But are we His missionary people, partnering with Him in the revealing of His Kingdom? This Sunday Scott will be teaching from Matthew 5:1-16 to help us explore the who, how and why of mission for every disciple today.