
CIA Concludes Saudis Killed Journalist, Georgia Governor Race Goes to Republican, Texas Teacher Pers

November 19, 2018

Monday, November 19th, in the year of our Lord 2018

By Adam McManus (Adam@TheWorldView.com)

Ugandan Muslims Kill Christian Convert from Islam

Rehema, a young Ugandan girl, was orphaned after her father Juma Hassan converted from Islam to Christianity, prompting her paternal grandfather to call for his death, reports International Christian Concern.

Hassan placed his trust in Christ after a Christian pastor witnessed to him and invited him to attend Bible studies and church services across the street from the mosque.

Hassan “died from the brutal wounds caused by the family.” And now Rehema’s mother is nowhere to be found.

Matthew 10:28 says, “Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

CIA Says Saudi Crown Prince Ordered Assassination of Journalist

The CIA has concluded that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul, Turkey last month, contradicting the Saudi government's claims that he was not involved, reports The Sydney Morning Herald.

A team of 15 Saudi agents flew to Istanbul on government aircraft in October and killed Khashoggi inside the Saudi consulate, where he had come to pick up documents that he needed for his planned marriage to a Turkish woman.

In reaching its conclusions, the CIA examined multiple sources of intelligence, including a phone call that the prince's brother Khalid bin Salman, the Saudi ambassador to the United States, had with Khashoggi, according to the people familiar with the matter who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The CIA's assessment, in which officials have said they have high confidence, is the most definitive to date linking Mohammed to the operation and complicates the Trump administration's efforts to preserve its relationship with a close ally.

Judge to Trump: Give CNN’s Jim Acosta White House Credentials Back

A federal judge ordered the Trump administration on Friday to immediately return the White House press credentials of CNN reporter Jim Acosta, though a lawsuit over the credentials’ revocation is continuing, reports the Associated Press.

U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Kelly, an appointee of President Donald Trump, interestingly, announced his decision at a hearing Friday morning. The judge said Acosta’s credentials must be reactivated to allow him access to the White House complex for press briefings and other events.

Acosta, CNN’s chief White House correspondent, was back Friday afternoon. The White House said it would be developing new rules for orderly press conferences.

In an interview with Larry O’Connor, CBS White House correspondent Major Garrett, says he disagrees with how CNN’s Jim Acosta conducted himself in last week’s explosive tete-a-tete with President Trump, reports Mediaite.com.

O’CONNOR: “If we agree that there is an acceptable code of conduct for a White House correspondent, can you understand how an average American watching what transpired there would say, ‘Well, that’s got to breach and go beyond the appropriate code of conduct.’? I think the many people watching, setting aside the First Amendment arguments for a moment, would say, ‘Yeah, I think the President might have a point in saying I don’t want to deal with this guy [Jim Acosta] anymore.”

GARRETT: “They very well might. All of these questions are best resolved through the political channels that our country has long developed and long relied upon. … I do my level best to not to make myself a part of the story and I think the best journalists operate that way. I go back to that fundamental point. … Why are you standing up to ask a question in the first place? To get an answer. Why is that answer important? Because it tells the country something it didn’t already know. That’s the whole point of this interaction with the American presidency.”
O’CONNOR: “Not to argue a point or try to make a point or score a point.”

Black Pro-Abort Candidate for Georgia Governor Claims Voting Rights Were Denied

Georgia’s pro-abortion gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, who was endorsed by Oprah Winfrey, halted her run to be the nation’s first black female governor on Friday, but the Democrat said she would not concede the contest to pro-life Republican Brian Kemp and planned to launch a voting rights group to file “major” litigation challenging election policies, reports the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

ABRAMS: “This is not a speech of concession, because concession means to acknowledge that an action is right, true or proper. As a woman of conscience and faith, I cannot concede that.”

Without pointing to any evidence, Abrams claimed that somehow Georgians were denied the right to vote.

ABRAMS: “Citizens tried to exercise their constitutional rights and were still denied the ability to elect their leaders. Under the watch of the now former Secretary of State, democracy failed Georgia -- Georgians of every political party, every race, every region again because voting is not a right for some; it’s a right for all.”

The latest tally showed Brian Kemp beat Stacey Abrams by 55,000 votes. She would have needed more than 17,000 votes to force a December 4th runoff.

Texas Teacher in Trouble for Citing Romans 12

And finally, a Texas public school teacher is being criticized for teaching her children a Bible passage that urges people to love one another, reports Christian Headlines.

Parents of students at Brown Primary School in Smithville, Texas, contacted the Austin American-Statesman when first-grade teacher Susan Schobel posted a video on Facebook showing her leading the students in reciting Romans 12:9-10.

The passage says, “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”

Schobel wrote in the video’s caption, “Start your day with a good Bible verse and life just seems better!! This is our daily Bible verse.”

Some parents were upset. In a letter to the school district, parent Ashley Nicolen wrote, “This is not okay. I am truly shocked. I am concerned about how this is getting handled.”


And that's The World View in 5 Minutes on this Monday, November 19th in the year of our Lord 2018. Subscribe by iTunes or email to our unique Christian newscast at www.TheWorldView.com. I'm Adam McManus. Seize the day for Jesus Christ.

Print stories

Trump Advisor’s Husband: GOP Has Become “Personality Cult”

On the Skullduggery podcast, George Conway III, the husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, said the Republican Party has become “a personality cult” under President Trump and that he would “move to Australia” rather than vote for the president again, reports Yahoo News.

INTERVIEWER #1: “You’re a conservative.”
CONWAY: “Right.”
INTERVIEWER #1: “Rock-ribbed conservative.”
CONWAY: “Correct.”
INTERVIEWER #1: “You’re a Republican.”
CONWAY: “No I’m not.”
INTERVIEWER #1: “You’re not?”
INTERVIEWER #2: “Really? You changed your registration?”
CONWAY: “Yes, that’s been publicly reported in March.”
INTERVIEWER #2: “In March, you changed your registration from Republican to…”
CONWAY: “unaffiliated. That’s what they call them in New Jersey.”
INTERVIEWER #2: “Why did do that?”
CONWAY: “Because I don’t feel comfortable being a Republican anymore. I think the Republican Party has become something of a personality cult.”

INTERVIEWER #1: “Would you support President Trump in his re-election campaign?”
INTERVIEWER #1: “Would you support a Republican who might run against him in the primary?”
CONWAY: “Maybe. Maybe.”

INTERVIEWER #1: “You think he’s going to run. Trump?”
CONWAY: “I don’t know.”
INTERVIEWER #2: “But presumably you hope he does not because…”
CONWAY: “That would be nice.”
INTERVIEWER #2: “then your wife will be liberated from working for him.”
CONWAY: “That would be terrific!”

Pro-lifers Defend Indiana Law: Cannot Do Discriminatory Abortions

Several pro-life groups filed friend-of-the-court briefs this week defending an Indiana law, signed by then Governor Mike Pence, that protects unborn babies from discriminatory abortions based on disability, gender or race, reports LifeNews.com.

The abortion giant Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union challenged it in court.

The American Center for Law and Justice urged the high court to review the case this week on behalf of 44 families of children with disabilities.

Personal Debt of Americans Continues to Rise

The total debt shouldered by Americans has hit another record high, rising to $13.5 trillion in the last quarter, while an unusual jump in student-loan delinquencies could provide another signal that the nation's economic expansion is growing old, reports Reuters.

Flows of student debt into serious delinquency — of 90 or more days — rose to 9.1 percent in the third quarter from 8.6 percent in the previous quarter, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.