
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: God's Design for New Testament Worship + Facts About Church History

Episode 12

September 21, 2022 • Aaron Gallagher, Scott Ingram, Tucker Wallace

S3E12: Can Christians use musical instruments in worship? Let's see what the Bible says about God's design of worship in the New Testament as well as breakdown facts that are revealed to us when we look at church history.

We will be examining surprising quotes from Adam Clarke (Popular Methodist), John Wesley (Founder of The Methodist Church), John Calvin (Founder of The Presbyterian Church), John McArthur (Popular Reformed Baptist), Charles Spurgeon (Popular Baptist), Catholicism, and church historians to show that "using musical instruments in worship" was highly rejected by the majority of people for the majority of church history until the last few hundred years.

So what happened? What does God want? Who is truly the audience when we worship? Let's open our Bibles! Thanks for watching Episode 12 of Season 3!