


June 30, 2022 • Pastor Robert R. McLaughlin

MC42‑958 The Mystery doctrine of the Church‑age, prt 1. Col 4:3;Rom 16:25‑26
04‑14‑94 Col 1:25‑26;Eph 3:3‑6;Joh 14‑17
MC42‑959 The Mystery doctrine of the Church‑age, prt 2. The baptism of the Spirit.
04‑15‑94 Eph 1:3‑14;4:1‑5;2Co 5:17;Eph 1:22‑23;5:22‑32
MC42‑960 The Mystery doctrine of the Church‑age, prt 3. The baptism of the Spirit
04‑17‑94 and our union with Christ. 1Co 12:12‑13,27‑30;Rom 12:5;6:3‑5;8:1:38‑39
MC42‑961 The Mystery doctrine of the Church‑age, prt 4. The baptism of the Spirit and
04‑17‑94 Royal Family of God. Rev 19:11‑16;Gal 3:26‑28;Eph 2:19‑22;4:30
MC42‑962 The protection given to those who have been baptized by the Spirit
04‑19‑94 and their eternal future. 2Co 1:21‑22;Eph 1:13‑14;4:30;1Ti 1:3‑5;Phi 3:20‑21
MC42‑963 The Biblical meaning of adoption and how it relates to the baptism
04‑20‑94 of the Spirit. Gal 3:26;Eph 1:5;Rom 8:15‑17
MC42‑964 The ceremony of adoption and the analogies to what the Church‑age believer
04‑21‑94 receives at salvation. Gal 4:1‑7;Rom 8:15,23;1Co 15:34
MC42‑965 The benefits of adoption which free us from slavery to the bondages of
04‑22‑94 life. Rom 8:14‑23;1Jo 3:1‑2
MC42‑966 Sanctification, a brand new species of spiritual royalty set apart
04‑24‑94 for the maximum glorification of God. Rom 1:7;6:19‑22;8:27,29;1:7
MC42‑967 The privileges of positional sanctification and how experiential
04‑24‑94 sanctification takes place. Rom 6:3‑5;1Th 4:1‑8;Gal 5:17;1Ti 6:3‑12
MC42‑968 Experiential sanctification in time and ultimate sanctification in
04‑26‑94 the eternal state. 2Ti 2:19‑21;Eph 5:1‑2;Joh 14:11‑12;2Co 5:1‑8
MC42‑969 The sealing ministry of the Holy Spirit and the signature guarantee
04‑27‑94 from God the Father. 2Co 1:21‑22;Joh 6:27‑29;17:4;19:30;2Ti 2:19
MC42‑970 Satan's plan to blind the believer from positional truth and the
04‑28‑94 baptism of the Spirit. Rom 8:29‑30;Gal 2:16‑21;4:7;Rom 7:18;Joh 15:1‑8
MC42‑971 Resting in our eternal position frees us from the endless and sinful
04‑29‑94 self‑effort of trying to improve our condition. 1Joh 3:1‑2;4:17;Isa 32:17‑18
MC42‑972 The sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ and more appreciation for the
05‑01‑94 communion service! 1Co 11:23‑24;Isa 52:13‑15;53:1‑12
MC42‑973 Understanding positional truth and the baptism of the Spirit being vital
05‑01‑94 in overcoming sin! 1Joh 1:7,9;2:1;Heb 9:14;10:22;Rom 8;1‑3;Col 2:12;3:1
MC42‑974 The baptism of the Spirit produces a new spiritual species for the utilization
05‑03‑94 of the divine power which God made available for the first time. Eph 4:24
MC42‑975 Not only is supernatural power needed to live the Christian way of life,
05‑04‑94 but also a supernatural creature. Rom 13;14;8:12‑13;6:4;Eph 4:17‑22
MC42‑976 Being spiritually transformed in the mind by putting on the new spiritual
05‑05‑94 species. Eph 4:17‑24
MC42‑977 A test you can take which will reveal whether or not you are living in the
05‑06‑94 new spiritual species. Col 3:9‑13; Mat 12:43‑45; Luk 5:36‑39
MC42‑978 The second category of mystery doctrine, the pre‑designed plan of God and
05‑08‑94 predestination! Col 2:6;Eph 1:3‑6;Act 4:27‑28;Rom 8:28‑29;9:11
MC42‑979 The true meaning of predestination which is a strict system of procedure
05‑08‑94 based upon the accurate teaching of the Word of God. Eph 1:3‑6;Act 4:27‑ 28
MC42‑980 Predestination from the viewpoint of time and the strict system of
05‑10‑94 procedure based upon the accurate teaching of the Word of God. Heb 6:10‑12
MC42‑981 The PPOG, the only place and the only way for the utilization of divine
05‑11‑94 power and the glorification of God. 1Co 3:13;Act 1:8;Rom 15:13;1Co 2:4‑5
MC42‑982 Beware of the pathetic and pitiful excuses for rejecting the pre‑designed
05‑12‑94 plan of God. Luk 14:16‑27;Gal 5:16;6:14‑16;2Jo 1:8‑9
MC42‑983 The negative believer thinks he has a better plan than God's, and that he
05‑13‑94 can do more for himself than God can do. Mat 10:34‑39;16:24‑27;Mar 8:34
MC42‑984 Our plans and the human ability we possess is "skubala"; human excrement,
05‑15‑94 when it comes to the plan of God! Phi 3:4‑8
MC42‑985 What is meant by the protocol plan of God.
05‑15‑94 Eph 3:14‑17;1:6‑7,18
MC42‑986 Awareness of the power of God's plan, your invisible assets and the riches of
05‑17‑94 His glory. Eph 3:14‑18a
MC42‑987 Utilizing the power to grasp the idea of the breadth, length, height, and
05‑18‑94 depth of the plan of God. Eph 3:14‑21;1:3,19‑20;2:4‑7;3:10;6:12
MC42‑988 The unique equality factor of the Church‑age, mystery doctrine #3,
05‑19‑94 introduction. Gal 3:26‑28;Mat 6:25‑34;Eph 1:3‑4;2Pe 1:10‑11;Jam 2:15‑26
MC42‑989 Common grace, in which the Holy Spirit makes the Gospel understandable,
05‑20‑94 and the divine call of God! 2Pe 1:10;Rom 11:29;2Co 5:14‑6:2;1Co 2:124
MC42‑990 The motivation which comes from being aware of the angelic conflict, the plan
05‑22‑94 of God, and the distribution of your fantastic blessings. Mat 6:25‑34;2Pe 1:10
MC42‑991 The convicting or the convincing ministry in common grace and the judgment of
05‑22‑94 Satan. 2Pe 1:10;Joh 16:7‑11;Joh 12:31;14:30;16:11;Joh 3:15‑18
MC42‑992 The calling of God and how it relates to the unique equality factor of the
05‑24‑94 Church age. 2Pe 1:10;Rom 1:1‑7;8:28‑30;9:11;11:29;1Co 1:1,2,9,23‑26
MC42‑993 Election and the doctrine of divine knowledge.
05‑25‑94 2Pe 1:10;Psa 139:1‑12;Isa 46:8‑10
MC42‑994 Doc:Divine knowledge, prt 2. The foreknowledge of God. 1Co 12:4‑6;
05‑26‑94 Job 32:4;Psa 147:5;Isa 14:24;37:26;42:9;44:6‑7;45:11‑12;46:8‑11;48:16;65:24
MC42‑995 Doc:Divine Decrees, prt 1, definition and description.
05‑27‑94 Eph 1:3‑6,11;3:11;2Ti 1:8‑9;Luk 12:6‑7;Phi 1:6
MC42‑996 Doc:Divine Decree, prt 2. The divine decree will bring glory to God with
05‑29‑94 or without us. Act 2:23;4:27‑28;7:48‑8:4;12:21‑24;Luk 12:6‑7;Phi 1:6
MC42‑997 Doc:Divine Decree, prt 3. The order of the decree, Hyper‑Calvinism and
05‑29‑94 supralapsarianism. Eph 2:10;1:5,11
MC42‑998 Doc:Divine Decree, prt 4. Beware of the hyper‑Calvinist approach to election
05‑31‑94 and predestination. Joh 3:18;15:16‑19;Eph 1:4‑6
MC42‑999 Doc:Divine Decree, prt 5. Supralapsarianism, sublapsarianism,
06‑01‑94 infralapsarianism, and Armenian lapsarianism. Joh 15:16‑19;Eph 1:4‑6;1Pe 1:2
MC42‑1000 Doc:Divine Decree, prt 6. Sublapsarianism, infralapsarianism, and
06‑02‑94 Armenian lapsariansim and why it's important to know. Eph 1:9‑10;3:4‑ 11;Isa 25
MC42‑1001 Doc:Divine Decree, prt 7. The purpose and the plan of God and what God permits
06‑03‑94 and what He desires. Joh 12:27‑28;13:31‑32;16:12‑14;17:1‑5;21:18‑19
MC42‑1002 Doc:Divine Decree, prt 8. God desires His perfect will and sovereignty yet,
06‑05‑94 angels and humans can reject His will. Isa 25:1;Eph 1:3‑4;Rom 9:14‑ 18;5:18‑20
MC42‑1003 Doc:Divine Decree, prt 9. To what extent is the human will free?
06‑05‑94 Eph 2:1‑2;Phi 1:6;2:13;Isa 6:8‑10;Rom 9:17‑22
MC42‑1004 Doc:Divine Decree, prt 10. Divine imputations and when human life really
06‑07‑94 began. Isa 43:7;57:16;48:8;Job 10:18‑19;3:11‑16;5:7;14:1
MC42‑1005 Doc:Divine Decree, prt 11. The free‑will of man and the printout applying to
06‑08‑94 believers. 1Co 9:24‑27;Eph 3;20‑21;Rom 9:14‑21;9:28‑32
MC42‑1006 Doc:Election, prt 1. You have been elected to have God's highest and best!
06‑09‑94 Rom 8:28‑29;5:12‑19;11:29;Mat 12:18;Isa 45:3‑4
MC42‑1007 Doc:Election, prt 2. The election of Israel and the election of the Lord
06‑10‑94 Jesus Christ. Isa 45:3‑4;65:9;Rom 11:1‑12;Mat 24:24‑31;Luk 2:40,52
MC42‑1008 Doc:Election, prt 3. Tapping into the eternal riches that God elected you
06‑12‑94 to receive! Heb 10:35‑39;Eph 1:4;2Pe 1:10‑11
MC42‑1009 Doc:Election, prt 4. A wealthy entrance into the eternal state for those
06‑12‑94 believers who make their calling and election sure. 2Pe 1:11;Mar 10:29‑31
MC42‑1010 Doc:Election, prt 5. Election and the believer's escrow account.
06‑14‑94 Eph 1:3‑4;Act 20:32‑35;Heb 6:10‑20
MC42‑1011 Doc:Election, prt 6. A warning not to become spiritually poor and a loser
06‑15‑94 in time and in the eternal state. Eph 1:3‑4;Heb 6:10‑20;Rev 3:5;Gal 5:1‑4
MC42‑1012 Doc:Election, prt 7. The winner receives the crowns and the decorations
06‑16‑94 that he was elected to receive. Rev 3:11‑12;2:26‑28;22:14,16;3:4‑5;2:7,17
MC42‑1013 Doc:Election, prt 8. Selection; the sovereignty of God with the free will
06‑17‑94 of man; the election of the Church. 1Ti 2:3‑6;4:10;Psa 100:3;Joh 15:16
MC42‑1014 Doc:Election, prt 9. The equal privilege of election manifested by the
06‑19‑94 universal priesthood of every Church‑age believer. Rom 14:4‑12;1Pe 2:5‑9
MC42‑1015 Doc:Election, prt 10. The equal opportunity under election and the
06‑19‑94 conclusion. Rev 14:13;Psa 40:5;71:14‑19;86:10;92:5;111:2
MC42‑1016 The fourth category of mystery doctrine, our very own portfolio of invisible
06‑21‑94 assets prepared for us by God the Father in eternity past. Eph 2:10
MC42‑1017 Doc:Portfolio of Invisible Assets, prt 2. Moses' use of his portfolio and the
06‑22‑94 three attributes of God involved. Heb 3:1‑5;11:24‑27;1Co 2:9;Rom 11:29;Act 10:34
MC42‑1018 Doc:Portfolio of invisible assets, prt 3. Your primary assets and your secondary
06‑23‑94 assets. Eph 3:20‑21;1Co 7:19;Luk 19:12‑26;1Ch 29:17;1Ki 8:46
MC42‑1019 Doc:Portfolio of invisible assets, prt 4. Volitional assets, production assets,
06‑24‑94 undeserved suffering assets, & invisible impact assets.1Co 13:13;14:20;Eph 4:13
MC42‑1020 Doc:Portfolio of invisible assets, prt 5. Your spiritual gift as part of your
06‑26‑94 personal assets. Luk 19:12‑26;1Co 12:3‑7;12:14‑18;14:1;Eph 4:7‑16
MC42‑1021 Doc:Portfolio of invisible assets, prt 6. The gift of evangelism,pastor‑ teacher,
06‑26‑94 and government or ruling. Eph 4:7‑12;1Pe 5:1‑2;Act 20:28‑32;1Co 12:28;Rom 12:8
MC42‑1022 Doc:Portfolio of invisible assets, prt 7. The gift of administrations,
06‑28‑94 ministering, giving, helps, showing mercy, & exhortation. 1Pe 4:10‑11;Rom 12:8
MC42‑1023 Doc:Portfolio of invisible assets, prt 8. The unique assets and the purpose and
06‑29‑94 importance of your portfolio. Ex 33:18‑19;Psa 16:11;84:11;115:1;Heb 10:35‑ 39
MC42‑1024 The fifth category of mystery doctrine, The two unique royal commissions:
06‑30‑94 Our Royal Priesthood. Heb 5:1;Num 3:5‑10;Rev 1:4‑6;Heb 13:13‑21
MC42‑1025 The fifth category of mystery doctrine, The two unique royal commissions:
07‑01‑94 Our Royal Ambassadorship. 2Co 5:20;Eph 6:19‑20;Rom 12:9‑11
MC42‑1026 Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Joh 1:29‑34;Gen 4:1‑
07‑03‑94 5;22:6‑14;Exo 12:3‑7;21‑23;Act 8:29‑37;1Pe 1:18‑21;Rev 5, 21:21‑23
MC42‑1027 The sixth category of mystery doctrine which is the unique mystery doctrine
07‑03‑94 itself of the Church‑age. Eph 3:1‑6;Rom 16:25‑26;1Co 4:1‑2;Mat 13:11
MC42‑1028 Mystery doctrine of the Church‑age, prt 2. False doctrine takes its precedence
07‑05‑94 from the Mosaic law. Rom 11:25;Num 1:1‑3,17‑19;1Ti 6:3‑4;1;6‑11;2:1‑2,9
MC42‑1029 Mystery doctrine of the Church‑age, prt 3. The Mosaic law was never given to the
07‑06‑94 Church, mystery doctrine was! Mal 3:8‑11;Rom 9:3‑4;Act 15:1‑29;2Co 11:3‑ 4,12‑15
MC42‑1030 Mystery doctrine of the Church‑age, prt 4. Morality in place of spirituality on
07‑07‑94 the part of those who reject the mystery doctrine of the C.A. Phi 3:8‑9
MC42‑1031 Introduction to the 7th category of mystery doctrine, the indwelling of all 3
07‑08‑94 persons of the Trinity. 1Jo 4:12‑16;3:23‑24;Joh 14:18‑20;17:22‑26;1Co 3:16
MC42‑1032 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 2. The significance of each member of the
07‑10‑94 godhead indwelling us! Rom 8:10,31‑32;1Co 6:19‑20;Heb 13:5;2Co 12:9‑10
MC42‑1033 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 3. Assigning #1 priority to relationship with
07‑10‑94 God over relationship with people. 1Co 10:12;2Th 3:6,14;Rom 12:1‑3;Pro 13:20
MC42‑1034 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 4. The reason for the indwelling of God the
07‑12‑94 Father and the appearances of Christ. Joh 14:19‑20;Exo 3:1‑4;Jud 2:1‑ 4;6:11‑24
MC42‑1035 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 5. The insignia of divine blessing on every
07‑13‑94 Church‑age believer and the warning against distractions. Joh 14:19‑20;Gen 16:22
MC42‑1036 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 6. I in them, and Thou in Me, that they may
07‑14‑94 attain spiritual maturity. Joh 14:20;17:22‑26;Rom 15:13;2Ti 1:7;1Sa 4:21
MC42‑1037 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 7. The benefits of understanding the
07‑15‑94 Shekinah glory indwelling your body. Col 1:25‑27;Heb 5:14;1Ti 3:16
MC42‑1038 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 8. Will America learn from Rome and will
07‑17‑94 will Christians learn the purpose of Christ in them? Col 1:25‑27;Eph 1:9
MC42‑1039 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 9. The Shekinah glory in us is very
07‑17‑94 meaningful. Isa 7:14;Joh 1:14;2Co 3:17‑18;Gal 5:17;1Co 6:15‑21
MC42‑1040 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 10. The true meaning of the hope of the
07‑19‑94 glory. Col 1:27;Psa 13:5;56:4;62:5;71:5;119:43
MC42‑1041 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 11. Hope is the monopoly of the believer
07‑20‑94 who understands the indwelling of Christ. Eph 2:11‑12;1Th 4:13;Tit 1:2;Job 4:6
MC42‑1042 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 12. Hope is the momentum factor in the plan
07‑21‑94 of God which gives you confidence about the future. Rom 8:24‑25;Pro 23:17
MC42‑1043 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 13. Undeserved suffering provides motivation
07‑22‑94 and stimulation for hope. Rom 5:1‑5;8:23‑25;8:35‑37;12:12;15:13;Heb 7:18‑ 19
MC42‑1044 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 14. The indwelling of Christ guarantees
07‑24‑94 eternal security. Joh 5:24;17:11‑12;18:9;2Th 1:12;Rom 11:6;5:1‑2b
MC42‑1045 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 15. Eternal security is an unbreakable
07‑24‑94 relationship with the integrity of God. Rom 5:1‑2;Joh 10:27‑30;6:26‑29;Psa 130:3
MC42‑1046 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 16. Eternal security from the viewpoint of
07‑26‑94 the original language. Eph 2:‑8‑9;Act 16:25‑31;Joh 3:17;5:34;10:9;12:47
MC42‑1047 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 17. Eternal security, the positional
07‑27‑94 sanctification and the "new creature" rationale. Rom 8:38‑39;Gal 6:14‑16
MC42‑1048 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 18. Eternal security, the "A Fortiori" or
07‑28‑94 common sense approach! Rom 5:6‑10, 15‑20;8:31‑32;2Co 3:9‑10;Psa 121
MC42‑1049 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 19. Eternal security, the family of God
07‑31‑94 rationale, the body metaphor, the essence of God rationale. Rom 6:6;5:8‑ 10
MC42‑1050 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 20. Eternal security, the essence of
07‑31‑94 God rationale. Isa 66:1;Psa 37:23‑28;Lam 3:21‑23;Rom 4:4‑8
MC42‑1051 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 21. Eternal security, inheritance,
08‑02‑94 anthropomorphism, sealing metaphor, & the finished work on the cross rationales
MC42‑1052 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 22. Eternal security, the grace of God
08‑03‑94 rationale. Rom 9:23;Rom 11:33ff;Col 2:6‑13‑14
MC42‑1053 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 23. Eternal security does not guarantee
08‑04‑94 that the believer will not be a loser. 2Pe 2:7‑9;Mat 9:9‑13;2Jo 8‑9;Phil 3:18‑ 19
MC42‑1054 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 24. Biblical descriptions of believers
08‑05‑94 who end up as losers! Eph 4:14,17‑19;Rom 16:17‑18;2Co 6:11‑12;2Ti 3:2‑7
MC42‑1055 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 25. Avoiding shame and embarrassment at the
08‑07‑94 Judgment Seat of Christ! 1Co 3:11‑15;Phi 3:18‑19;1Co 15:34;Pro 13:18;Luk 9:26
MC42‑1056 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 26, The oxymoron of shame in a resurrection
08‑07‑94 body does not exist in the winner. Rom 5:5;1Jo 2:28‑29;Phi 1:20‑21;4:6;1Co 3:11
MC42‑1057 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 27. The reason for shame at the Judgment Seat
08‑09‑94 of Christ. 1Jo 2:28‑29;Phi 1:20‑21;4:6;1Co 3:11‑23;4:5;Rev 3:14
MC42‑1058 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 28. The lukewarm believer will be embarrassed
08‑10‑94 and shrink in shame at the Bema Seat Judgment. Rev 3:14‑16;Jer 2:19;Pro 1:31
MC42‑1059 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 29. The last miserable experience for the
08‑11‑94 lukewarm believer in time before shame at the Judgment Seat. Rev 3:14‑17
MC42‑1060 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 30. The believer flunks the prosperity test
08‑12‑94 when riches or wealth changes his priorities. Rev 3:17;Psa 119:72,127;Pro 8:10
MC42‑1061 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 31. The lukewarm believer doesn't know that
08‑14‑94 he is wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. Rev 3:14‑18;1Pe 5:8;Jam 4:4
MC42‑1062 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 32. Buying gold refined by fire so that the
08‑14‑94 shame of your nakedness may not be revealed. Rev 3:18;1Pe 1:7;Jer 5:14;20:9
MC42‑1063 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 33. Jesus Christ indwells you body to stress
08‑16‑94 the importance of God emphasis over people emphasis. Gen 3:6‑10;Eph 5:31‑32
MC42‑1064 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 34. The reasons why God the Holy Spirit
08‑17‑94 indwells your body. Rom 8:2‑11;Eze 36:22‑27;1Jo 2:20,27;2Co 3:12‑17
MC42‑1065 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 35.The relationship between the indwelling of
08‑18‑94 the Holy Spirit and the indwelling of the Shekinah glory. 2Co 3:17‑18;Gal 4:19
MC42‑1066 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 36. The fruit or the production of the Spirit
08‑21‑94 is virtue‑love. Gal 5:16,22‑23,16;1Co 1:18;Rom 10:2‑3;1Jo 3:14‑18
MC42‑1067 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 37. The fruit or the production of the Spirit
08‑21‑94 is joy and inner happiness. Gal 5:22;Luk 12:16‑22;1Ti 6:6‑8;Mar 14:10‑ 11;Psa 35
MC42‑1068 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 38. The fruit of the Spirit is manifested by
08‑23‑94 having God's happiness. Gal 5:22;Psa 35;Pro 17:5Jam 3:8‑10;Rom 12:9
MC42‑1069 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 39. The happiness of the Lord is your
08‑24‑94 strength. Fruit of the Spirit, prt 4. Neh 8;10;Joh 17:13;Rom 14:17;1Th 1:6
MC42‑1070 The indwelling of the trinity, prt 40. the fruit of the Spirit is displayed by
08‑25‑94 inner peace and overt prosperity. Phi 3:1,4:4;Gal 5:22;Rom 12:18;8:6;Phi 4:6‑7
MC42‑1071 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 41.The fruit of the Spirit is demonstrated by
08‑26‑94 patience and long suffering. Gal 5:22;Psa 86:15;103:8;18:35;Col 1:11;3:12
MC42‑1072 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 42. The fruit of the Spirit is revealed by
08‑28‑94 graciousness, kindness, and grace orientation. Gal 5:22;6:1‑5;Joh 8:3‑11
MC42‑1073 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 43. Our Lord's graciousness, kindness and
08‑28‑94 grace orientation with the woman caught in adultery. Fruit of the Spirit prt 8. MC42‑1074
MC42‑1074 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 44. The graciousness of our Lord dealing with
08‑30‑94 the prostitute in the Pharisees house. Luk 7:36‑50;Isa 65:1‑6;Ecc 3:4;Joh 11:35
MC42‑1075 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 45. Grace orientated believers are very
08‑31‑94 grateful and thankful to God for what they've been delivered from! Luk 7:36‑50
MC42‑1076 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 46.Our Lord's association with tax‑ collectors
09‑01‑94 and prostitutes made an issue out of grace. Act 20:28‑30;Mat 9:10‑ 11;21:23;Luk MC42‑1077
MC42‑1077 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 47. A parable which reveals how a grace
09‑02‑94 oriented believer things! Luk 18:9‑14;16:13‑15
MC42‑1078 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 48. The fruit of the Spirit is to produce
09‑04‑94 divine good. Gal 5:22;Eph 2:10;Gen 2:15‑17;3:1‑7;Mat 6:1
MC42‑1079 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 49. Human good plus sin equals evil and
09‑04‑94 the origin of human good. Gen 3:1‑9;Isa 64:6
MC42‑1080 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 50. After the original sin the first act
09‑06‑94 of spiritual death was an act of human good and the function of legalism.
MC42‑1081 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 51. All their human good could produce was
09‑07‑94 ultimate fear of God! Gen 3:8‑20;Tit 1:15;1Ti 2:14
MC42‑1082 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 52. Christian activism is promoted by the
09‑08‑94 same one promoting improvement in the garden, Satan himself! Gen 3:6‑ 21
MC42‑1083 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 53. The system of good performed by the
09‑09‑94 believer which is acceptable to God. Col 3:22‑25;Eph 2:8‑10;2Ti 3:16‑ 17;2:21
MC42‑1084 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 54. The fruit of the production of the Holy
09‑11‑94 Spirit is faith or faithfulness. Gal 5:22, Psa 32:3‑5;1Co 10:13;Psa 119:65‑75
MC42‑1085 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 55. Rest, the manifestation of faith and
09‑11‑94 faithfulness found in the believer. Psa 37:4‑5;Heb 4:1‑3
MC42‑1086 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 56. The faith developed as part of the
09‑13‑94 fruit of the Spirit. Heb 4:1‑3;11:6;Luk 17:1‑10;Isa 26:3;Rom 4:20‑21
MC42‑1087 The fruit of the Spirit, prt 57. The application of the essence of God rationale
09‑14‑94 to stress circumstances and those that involve injustice and unfairness.Eph 6:16
MC42‑1088 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 58. Faithfulness toward God, right man or
09‑15‑94 right woman, friends, the Royal family. Num 12:6‑8;Luk 16:10‑12;2Ti 2:1‑7
MC42‑1089 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 59. The fruit or the production of the Holy
09‑16‑94 Spirit is gentleness, humility or meekness. Gal 5:23;Eph 4:1‑2;Col 3:12;Jam 1:21
MC42‑1090 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 60. Humility is a comfortable, relaxed system
09‑18‑94 of thinking. Gal 5:22‑23;Pro 11:2;29:23;Col 2:18;1Pe 3:8;5:5‑6
MC42‑1091 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 61. Humility, the basic ingredient for the
09‑18‑94 believer's capacity for life, love, happiness and blessing,Luk 14:11;Rom 9:19‑21
MC42‑1092 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 62. The potter's wheel of spiritual authority
09‑20‑94 that produces genuine humility in the life of every believer. Rom 9:19‑21
MC42‑1093 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 63.The fruit of the Spirit is self‑ discipline
09‑21‑94 or self‑control. Gal 5:22‑23;Eph 5:15;2Ti 2:4‑5;1Co 9:24‑27;Heb 5:11‑14
MC42‑1094 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 64. Self‑discipline and spiritual habits on a
09‑22‑94 daily basis brings fantastic rewards and blessings! Joh 4:23‑24;1Ti 4:7‑8;Psa
MC42‑1095 The indwelling of the Trinity, prt 65.The spiritual life manifested by the fruit of the Spirit
09‑23‑94 that God has provided for you. Gal 5:22‑23;Pro 8:17‑21;Phi 3:13‑
MC42‑1096 Divine Power:The unique availability of divine power, the omnipotence of God
09‑25‑94 the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Col 4:3;Eph 6:12;Mat 7:15
MC42‑1097 Divine Power:The same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is now
09‑25‑94 available to every Church‑age believer for the execution of God's plan. Eph 1:19
MC42‑1098 Divine Power: Between the resurrection of Christ and the Rapture of the Church
09‑27‑94 is the greatest power experiment in all human history! Eph 1:15‑20;Col 2:15
MC42‑1099 Divine Power:The divine strength from being filled with the Spirit and
09‑28‑94 Walking by means of the Spirit. Deu 32:4;Eph 5:8,18;Gal 5:16;Col 1:25
MC42‑1100 Divine Power:The significant reasons why the believer needs to examine and grasp
09‑29‑94 the marvelous omnipotence of God. Psa 147;10‑11;33:12‑ 22;Pro 8:14;24:5;Phi 4:13
MC42‑1101 Divine Power:Every challenge in life demands equivalent power or authority for
09‑30‑94 meeting and overcoming that challenge. Luk 14:28‑33;Phi 4:11‑12;1Pe 1:3‑ 5;
MC42‑1102 Divine Power:Going on the offensive against suffering, whether deserved or
10‑02‑94 undeserved, with the omnipotence of God.2Co 12:7‑10;Gal 6:4‑8;Gen 25:28‑34;27:36
MC42‑1103 Divine Power:The positive solutions to suffering provided by the power of God.
10‑02‑94 Isa 13:11;Rev 3:20;2Ti 2:26;Rev 3:1‑3;Ecc 8:11
MC42‑1104 Divine Power:Under discipline there is hope and comfort for the believer who
10‑04‑94 relies on the power of God to pull them through! Jam 5:9;Rev 3:20;Joh 10:9
MC42‑1105 Divine Power:The power of God to deliver the believer from the sin unto death
10‑05‑94 1Jo 5:16;1Co 11:27‑30;5:1‑5;Psa 118:17‑18
MC42‑1106 Divine Power:The power of God strengthens the believer in disaster testing and
10‑06‑94 people testing. Psa 4:5;50:14‑15;1Co 15:33‑34;1Jo 4:20
MC42‑1107 Divine Power:Dealing with people with maximum problem solving ability because
10‑07‑94 of the presence of divine power in your life. Pro 19:8;9:7‑2;10:8,12;11:13,22
MC42‑1108 Divine Power:Failing people testing results in becoming slaves to a job, a
10‑09‑94 relationship, family, and even to your enemies! Mat 5:11‑12;8:18‑21;Joh 12:42
MC42‑1109 Divine Power: The greatest issue, doctrine vs the details of life, family,
10‑09‑94 friends, loved ones, success, pleasure, social life, sex status symbols, materialism, or wealth. Mat 8:21‑22;10:37‑38;Mar 8:38;Luk 9:59‑62
MC42‑1110 Divine Power:Another form of suffering for blessing where the power of God is
10‑11‑94 needed is in system testing. 1Co 10:31 1Pe 2:13‑23 3:14‑17 1Ch 21:1‑13
MC42‑1111 Divine Power:People who always quit when the pressure is too great spend all
10‑12‑94 their lives flunking system testing.1Ch 21:1‑13;Ecc 5:8;1Pe 3:14‑17;Col 3:12‑ 4:1
MC42‑1112 Divine Power:Thought testing, another form of suffering for blessing where the
10‑13‑94 power of God is needed.Pro 27:19;23:7;Mat 6:7;9:2‑4;15:17‑20;Rom 12:2‑ 3;Isa 55:6
MC42‑1113 Divine Power:Each stage of spir adulthood has the ability to destroy certain
10‑14‑94 mental attitude deviations. 2Co 10:4‑6;1Ti 2:9‑10,15b
MC42‑1114 Divine Power:The greatest form of suffering in this life is the privilege of
10‑16‑94 suffering in the angelic conflict and evidence testing. Act 1:8;Job 1:12;2:6
MC42‑1115 Divine Power:Spiritual maturity plus passing evidence testing equals
10‑16‑94 glorification of God in the historic extension of the angelic conflict.Mat 4:3‑4
MC42‑1116 Divine Power:Our Lord used Bible doctrine to meet the test of Satan.
10‑18‑94 Mat 4:1‑7;2Ti 2:4;Luk 8:14;Psa 91;11‑12;Phi 1:29
MC42‑1117 Divine Power:The power of God needed in evidence testing and
10‑19‑94 all creature obligation and loyalty is to the plan of God! Mat 4:1‑11
MC42‑1118 Divine Power:A scene in the courtroom of heaven in the angelic conflict as a man
10‑20‑94 is entered into evidence testing. Eze 14:12‑20;Job 1;Jer 4:23‑26;Rev 20:7‑8
MC42‑1119 Divine Power:The challenge to trust God no matter how unexplainable or
10‑21‑94 disastrous the suffering may become. Job 1:6‑22;Joh 16:33
MC42‑1120 Divine Power:Job passes the second evidence test, loss of health, social life,
10‑23‑94 & attractiveness. Isa 43:21;43:7;Job 1:20‑22;2:1‑6;Mat 12:22;Luk 13:16
MC42‑1121 Divine Power:Why in the world would God ever turn over to Satan the greatest
10‑23‑94 believer alive if there was no angelic conflict? Job 2:6‑10
MC42‑1122 Divine Power: Being willing to accept the prosperity that God gives but not
10‑25‑94 willing to accept the suffering that He allows! Job 2:1‑3;Pro 14:12;27:9
MC42‑1123 Divine Power:Job's friends erroneously conclude that Job is under divine
10‑26‑94 discipline or some form of punitive suffering from God. Job 2:11‑13;3:1‑10
MC42‑1124 Divine Power:No believer can judge the life of another properly without having
10‑27‑94 all the facts and we are not permitted to have all the fact. Job 3:11‑26
MC42‑1125 Divine Power:Eliphaz assumes that Job is under divine discipline and very close
10‑28‑94 to the sin unto death rather than what is true. 1Pe 4:15;Psa 19:7‑13;Pro 17:17
MC42‑1126 Divine Power:You don't appeal to God when you are entered into the appeal trial
10‑30‑94 of Satan and all the fallen angels!Job 5:1‑6;Luk 8:18;Mar 4:24;Ecc 7:9;Pro 14:30
MC42‑1127 Divine Power:Eliphaz puts all of the marvelous doc together to show Job that
10‑30‑94 he is a terrible sinner and needs to get right with God! Job 5:17‑6:30;Pro 27:10
MC42‑1128 Divine Power:The bitterness of Job causes him to be double‑minded.
11‑01‑94 Job 7:1‑8:10;Jam 3:14;Psa 64:3;Heb 12:15;Eph 4:29‑32
MC42‑1129 Divine Power:From self‑righteous arrogance, Bildad implies that Job is getting
11‑02‑94 what he deserves. Gal 4:29;Jud 1:16;Joh 16:2;Luk 6:22‑23
MC42‑1130 Divine Power:Operating in the Supreme court of heaven rationale when faced with
11‑03‑94 self‑righteous individuals. Job 10:1;Psa 55:22;1Pe 5:7;Mat 7:1‑2;Joh 5;22‑27
MC42‑1131 Divine Power:Be careful of these individuals who consider it "their duty" to
11‑04‑94 speak evil and discredit other people. Job 10;1‑22;Jam 3:5‑6;Psa 12:2‑ 4;Rom 2:1
MC42‑1132 Divine Power:Meet Zophar, your typical self‑righteous believer who thinks that
11‑06‑94 God is on his side and everyone else is wrong. Job 11:1‑2;Mat 6:1;7:1‑ 5;15:7‑9
MC42‑1133 Divine Power:Self‑righteous people love to get on their high horse and look down
11‑06‑94 their nose on others in their times of disaster. Job 11:12‑12:2;Isa 3:9;Pro 26:5
MC42‑1134 Divine Power:How to receive God's wisdom and power and His counsel and
11‑08‑94 understanding. Job 12:1;Pro 26:5;Psa 35:15‑16;Eph 4:8‑11;Act 20:28
MC42‑1135 Divine Power:If the three blind mice kept their mouths shut, people would
11‑09‑94 think that they were smart. Job 12:11‑13:28;1Jo 4:1;Pro 23:23;Isa 55:1;Mic 3:11
MC42‑1136 Divine Power:All of us get into some type of trouble so why malign people when
11‑10‑94 they do? Job 14:1‑15:34;Psa 51:5;58:3;Ecc 2:16;8:10;Mat 22:15‑16
MC42‑1137 Divine Power:The tongue,the difference between the mature believer and the self‑
11‑11‑94 righteous legalistic pip‑squeaks. Job 16:1‑11;Proverbs;2Sa 12:5‑7;Isa 66:5
MC42‑1138 Divine Power:Anger at the self‑righteous legalistic pip‑squeaks can serve as
11‑13‑94 motivation to go forward with doctrine. Job 14:7‑9;18:1‑19:18;Psa 1:1‑3
MC42‑1139 Divine Power:Be careful of reaction against the pious, self‑righteous legalistic
11‑13‑94 pip‑squeaks. Job 19:1‑29;2Co 2:11;11:14‑15;Eph 6:11
MC42‑1140 Divine Power: Making application from resurrection in time of disaster because
11‑15‑94 our life on this earth is just a drop in the bucket. Job 19:1‑29;Job 20;Psa 58:3
MC42‑1141 Divine Power:Flaws attack the basic soundness of spiritual life, Job has some
11‑16‑94 faults, Zophar has flaws! Mat 7:1‑5;Jud 1:16;2Co 13:5;Hag 1:5‑7;1Co 11:28,31
MC42‑1142 Divine Power:How a born again believer turns out like a "brother Zophar"!
11‑17‑94 Job 20:1‑21:13; Pro 30:11‑13; Psa 64:6
MC42‑1143 Divine Power:The silence of God and why God allows the three blind mice
11‑18‑94 to live. Job 21:1‑34;Mat 5:45;Jer 12:1;Psa 73;Psa 84:10.
MC42‑1144 Divine Power:Why does God permit all of these accusations and this maligning or
11‑20‑94 why the silence of God? Job 22:1;Psa 103:2;116:12;55:2‑5;Gal 6:4‑5
MC42‑1145 Divine Power:God speaks through His word and the highest compliment ever given
11‑20‑94 to the royal family is the silence of God. Job 23:1‑17;Gal 6:4‑5
MC42‑1146 Divine Power: God must remain silent and Job must do it on his own with
11‑22‑94 the doctrine resident in his soul! Job 23:19;2Co 12:7‑10;Heb 11:6;Phi 1:29
MC42‑1147 Divine Power:The last arrogant self‑righteous legalistic pip‑squeak's
11‑23‑94 message to Job. Job 23:1‑25:6; Joh 15:3; Rom 5;1;Heb 11:6
MC42‑1148 Divine Power:"You call me a maggot, I say I'm powerless, "You call me a worm,
11‑24‑94 I say I'm just feeble!" Job 26:1‑28:1;Jam 3:6
MC42‑1149 Divine Power:Job may have lost his patience with his legalistic friends but
11‑25‑94 Job perseveres in spite of all the pressures! Job 29;Jam 5:11;Heb 11:7‑8,24‑ 27
MC42‑1150 Divine Power:Job was very gracious, generous and humble around people in spite
11‑27‑94 of all his prosperity and wealth. Job 28:1‑30:10;Ecc 3:1;Deu 30:20;Psa 34:12
MC42‑1151 Divine Power:Evidence testing not only entails the silence of God but also the
11‑27‑94 silence of man! Job 30;11;Ecc 5:8;Jer 17:5;9:420:10;Psa 62:9
MC42‑1152 Divine Power:Elihu functions as a human judge rebuking Job and his three friends
11‑29‑94 for their unsupported accusations against Job! Job 32:1;Lam 3:39;Num 11:1
MC42‑1153 Divine Power:There is a human spirit in man and the breath of the Almighty gives
11‑30‑94 them understanding. Job 32:1‑22;Rom 5:12,18‑19;1Co 2;14;Jud 19;1Th 5:23
MC42‑1154 Divine Power:You were brought into this world by the decision of a sovereign and
12‑01‑94 righteous God who has never made a mistake! Job 33:1‑22;Job 3:11
MC42‑1155 Divine Power:Who the angel of the Lord really is.
12‑02‑94 Job 33:23‑28
MC42‑1156 Divine Power:Our inconsistencies, failures, and sins cannot destroy the plan of
12‑04‑94 God for our lives if we rebound and recover. Job 33:1‑34;Psa 130:3‑4;Gen 12:11‑
MC42‑1157 Divine Power:Job needs to be reminded of the grace policy of God to pull him
12‑04‑94 through evidence testing and undeserved suffering. Job 34:4‑35:3;Psa 14:1
MC42‑1158 Divine Power:Our morality doesn't add thing to God nor does our immorality take
12‑06‑94 away a thing from Him. Job 35:1‑8
MC42‑1159 Divine Power:Morality without virtue inevitably leads to arrogance and moral
12‑07‑94 degeneracy. Job 35:6‑7;Phi 4:8;Psa 130:3;23:6;3:6;2Pe 1:1‑11
MC42‑1160 Divine Power:Every person either serves God in the plan of God or Satan in the
12‑08‑94 cosmic system, it all depends on what you choose. Mat 19:16‑22;Pro 6:16‑ 19
MC42‑1161 Divine Power:Although we don't know why things are happening we need to trust
12‑09‑94 in the fact that God has everything under control. Job 36:1‑37:24;1Co 15:34
MC42‑1162 Divine Power:One of the biggest difficulties with believers when they get into
12‑11‑94 suffering is that they lose the manliness principle of being courageous. Job 38
MC42‑1163 Divine Power:Only God has the power to control His creatures, whether it is the
12‑11‑94 hippopotamus, the crocodile, the dinosaur or man! Job 38:38‑41;Mat 6:26;10:29
MC42‑1164 Divine Power:The rebound and recovery of Job.
12‑13‑94 Job 42:1‑6;Mat 6:22;13:15‑16;Eph 1:18;1Co 11:30‑31;Rom 2:4;Exo 13:17;Heb 12:17
MC42‑1165 Divine Power:Job's restoration to fellowship w/out whimpering and whining about
12‑14‑94 his failures. Job 2:3‑6;1Jo 1:9;4:4b;Mat 16:18;Psa 32:5;38:18
MC42‑1166 Divine Power:Why God forgave Job and how Job passed the third part of evidence
12‑15‑94 testing. 1Jo 1:9; Pro 23:26.
MC42‑1167 Divine Power:The three blind mice get what they deserve for judging Job and the
12‑16‑94 grace orientation of Job. Job 42:1‑7;Jer 26:3;1Sa 15:29;Rom 9:13;Num 20:8‑ 11
MC42‑1168 Divine Power:Job's fantastic blessings & rewards for glorifying God in evidence
12‑18‑94 testing and the angelic conflict. Job 42:1‑17;Phi 4:10‑13,18;Eph 5:2;Jam 5:10‑11
MC42‑1169 Divine Power:The conclusion, the means for you as a believer attaining the power
12‑18‑94 of God in your life. Pro 24:5;Col 1:9‑12;1Co 1:18;16:13;2Ti 2:1;Heb 13:9
MC42‑1170 Age of No Prophecy:The upper‑room discourse and the message the night before our
12‑20‑94 Lord's death. Joh 13:1‑4;Rev 22:18‑19;Pro 30:5‑6;Isa 53:10;Rom 6:23
MC42‑1171 Age of No Prophecy:Church‑age history depends upon the decisions that the
12‑21‑94 believer makes not the unbeliever.Heb 1:1‑4;Mat 5:13;Mar 9:50;Col 4:6;Joh 13:1‑4
MC42‑1172 Age of No Prophecy:Garbage on the feet and garbage in the head and a family
12‑22‑94 feud at the holiday dinner!Joh13:4‑10;Luk14:34‑35;Rom10:15;Phi23:6‑ 8;Mat16:22‑23
MC42‑1173 Age of No Prophecy:One bath but many foot‑washings or saved once,rebound
12‑23‑94 many times! Joh 13:4‑15;6:63‑71;Phi 3:6;Rom 10:2;Psa 41:9;Tit 3:5
MC42‑1174 Christmas Special: Our Lord put on the uniform of a human body to fight a battle
12‑24‑94 that would give us total victory, liberty, freedom & independence. Jer 11:7‑ 8
MC42‑1175 Christmas Special: Eternal God is humiliated by becoming true humanity but He
12‑25‑94 did it for us! 1Co 11:24;Heb 10:5;Luk 1:35;Psa 40:6;Isa 53:5
MC42‑1176 Christmas Special: In the roll of the book, the Old Testament Scriptures, it is
12‑25‑94 written concerning the Lord. Heb 10:5‑14;Psa 22:6‑8,16,18.
MC42‑1177 Age of No Prophecy: Why the Church‑age began ten days after the Lord was
12‑27‑94 seated at the right hand of God the Father. Joh 13:1‑12;Deu 32:2;Lev 23;Phi 2:6‑8
MC42‑1178 Age of No Prophecy:The doctrine that is to be taught in the Church‑ age demands
12‑28‑94 something greater in learning it then whatever existed before. Joh 13:13‑15
MC42‑1179 Age of No Prophecy:The foot‑washing custom used as a training aid for Bible
12‑29‑94 doctrine to be perpetuated and proclaimed in every generation! Joh 13:7
MC42‑1180 Age of No Prophecy:How Lord could make Himself equal with God and then at
12‑30‑94 the same time say that His Father was greater than Him. Joh 13:13‑16;1:1‑ 3;9:35
MC42‑1181 Age of No Prophecy:The means of attaining divine happiness.
01‑01‑95 Joh 13:12‑17;Luk 11:27‑28;1Jo 4:4;1Pe 3:15;Mat 13:19
MC42‑1182 Age of No Prophecy:Divine happiness is the only happiness in the world you can
01‑01‑95 have at all times, wherever you are, no matter what your circumstances. Psa 43:3
MC42‑1183 Age of No Prophecy:Judas pretended to love the Lord but ignorance of doctrine
01‑03‑95 means that it has always been pseudo love. Joh 13:17‑18;5:38‑42;8:47;14:21‑ 23
MC42‑1184 Age of No Prophecy:All of the time that the traitor walked with the Lord, the
01‑04‑95 traitor had his privacy. Joh 13:13‑30.
MC42‑1185 Age of No Prophecy:Beware of the traitor and his characteristics!
01‑05‑95 Joh 13:17‑30;Luk 6:13‑16;Joh 12:1‑6;Mat 26:6‑16;27:3‑5.
MC42‑1186 Age of No Prophecy:The profile of a traitor.
01‑06‑95 Psa 55:12‑14,20‑21;Jud 1:16;2Sa 15:2‑6
MC42‑1187 Age of No Prophecy:Under Satan possession, Judas Iscariot is now
01‑08‑95 headquarters for the devil until Judas dies. Joh 13:20‑29;2Th 2:7‑12
MC42‑1188 Age of No Prophecy:The Church‑age is the most intensified stage of the
01‑08‑95 angelic conflict because it is hidden and invisible. Joh 13:30‑33;Eph 3:8‑10
MC42‑1189 Age of No Prophecy:The doctrine of the glorification of God in the Church‑
01‑10‑95 age. Joh 13:30‑32;Eph 3:19‑21;Eph 1:3‑6;Isa 26:15;60:21
MC42‑1190 Age of No Prophecy:The Church is resurrected at the Rapture when it will
01‑11‑95 become a bride under the principle of right man, right woman. Joh 13:32‑ 33
MC42‑1191 Age of No Prophecy:There are new provisions for the new spiritual species
01‑12‑95 which allow the believer to love in a brand new way. Joh 13:34‑35;Lev 19:18
MC42‑1192 Age of No Prophecy:Learning how to love with the love of God by understanding
01‑13‑95 how God loves. 1Th 4:9;Phi 1:9‑10;Mic 7:18‑20;Rom 8:38‑39;2Co 13:14
MC42‑1193 Age of No Prophecy:This "new commandment" is designed to meet the intensified
01‑15‑95 stage of the angelic conflict. Joh 13:34‑35;Eph 6:12;1Ti 4:1‑2;2Co 2:11
MC42‑1194 Age of No Prophecy:Divine integrity supports divine love just as human integrity
01‑15‑95 carries personal love. Joh 3:16;Rom 5:6‑8;3:10‑18;Tit 2:3‑4
MC42‑1195 Age of No Prophecy:The problem with personal love and the solution
01‑17‑95 to the problem. Joh 11:1‑3,32‑36;13:34;15:12,17;1Jo 4:20,21
MC42‑1196 Age of No Prophecy:The difference in the original language between
01‑18‑95 agape love and phileo love. Joh 21:15‑17;Luk 6:27‑37
MC42‑1197 Age of No Prophecy:Living in a relaxed mental attitude and the danger of
01‑19‑95 sincerity & emotionalism without doctrine. Joh 13:34‑38;18:15‑18;Mat 11:28‑30
MC42‑1198 Age of No Prophecy:Disregarding past failures and past success and looking
01‑20‑95 forward to the Rapture. Joh 14:1‑3;Phi 3:13;Rev 6:12‑17
MC42‑1199 Age of No Prophecy:Understanding the Jewish wedding custom and how it
01‑22‑95 reveals the Rapture of the Church. Joh 13:36‑14:3;1Co 6:19‑20;Mat 25:1‑13
MC42‑1200 Age of No Prophecy:"I go to prepare a place for you". The announcement in the
01‑22‑95 upper room about the coming of the Rapture. Joh 14:1‑3;Rev 6:12‑17;2:18‑ 22
MC42‑1201 Age of No Prophecy:The real meaning of "I am the way the truth and the life."
01‑24‑95 Joh 14:1‑6;20:19‑29;Act 18:24‑26;18:33‑38;Psa 19:7‑11
MC42‑1202 Age of No Prophecy:The will of God for every member of the human race and the
01‑25‑95 result of living in His will. Joh 14:5‑6;Psa 85:10‑11;Joh 4:23‑24;14:15‑17
MC42‑1203 Age of No Prophecy:"I am the life", the zoe life is God's fantastic grace
01‑26‑95 provision which staggers the imagination. Joh 14:6;10:10;Eph 3:14‑21;Isa 55:8
MC42‑1204 Age of No Prophecy:The sad rebuke of Thomas, "If you had known but you didn't
01‑27‑95 you would have known My Father also!" Joh 14:5‑7;Jam 4:13‑15;Joh 1:18;6:46
MC42‑1205 Age of No Prophecy:The sad rebuke to Philip, "Have I been so long with you,
01‑29‑95 and yet you have not come to know Me." Joh 14:8‑15 Isa 65:24
MC42‑1206 Age of No Prophecy:The doctrine of the Holy Spirit's Mentorship, prt 1.
01‑29‑95 Joh 14:16‑17
MC42‑1207 Age of No Prophecy:The doctrine of the Holy Spirit's Mentorship, prt 2.
01‑31‑95 Joh 14:16‑17;Rom 8:8‑11;1Co 3:16;6:19;2Ti 1:13‑14
MC42‑1208 Age of No Prophecy:The doctrine of the Holy Spirit's Mentorship, prt 3.
02‑01‑95 1Co 2:9‑16;Joh 14:26;16:12‑14;2Ti 3:16‑17;2Pe 1:20‑21
MC42‑1209 Age of No Prophecy:The doctrine of the Holy Spirit's Mentorship, prt 4.
02‑02‑95 Rom 8:26‑27.
MC42‑1210 Age of No Prophecy:The doctrine of the Holy Spirit's Mentorship, prt 5.
02‑03‑95 Eph 5:18;4:30;Gal 5:1,13‑18,22‑25;1Th 5:19
MC42‑1211 Age of No Prophecy:The announcement that Christianity is not a religion, it
02‑05‑95 is a relationship with the living God. Joh 14:15‑20;1Ti 1:6‑7;2Co 11:13‑15
MC42‑1212 Age of No Prophecy:He who keeps on having and holding My commands and
02‑05‑95 guards them is the one that loves Me. Joh 14:21‑23;14:2;13:35;14:15;15:10.
MC42‑1213 Age of No Prophecy:Building an edification complex causes you to guard that
02‑07‑95 which belongs to you. Joh 14:18‑23;14:2;13:35;14:15;15:10
MC42‑1214 Age of No Prophecy:The Doctrine of the Edification Complex of the Soul, prt 1.
02‑08‑95 Joh 14:22‑23;14:2;Eph 3:16‑17;Mar 4:19;Eph 4:11‑16
MC42‑1215 Age of No Prophecy:The Doctrine of the Edification Complex of the Soul, prt 2.
02‑09‑95 2Co 10:8;13:10;1Th 5:12;1Pe 5:1‑3;Heb 13:17;Eph 4:12
MC42‑1216 Age of No Prophecy:The Doctrine of the Edification Complex of the Soul, prt 3.
02‑10‑95 The motivation and function from edification. Rom 14:19;1Co 9:24‑ 27;14:12,26,40
MC42‑1217 Age of No Prophecy:The Doctrine of the Edification Complex of the Soul, prt 4.
02‑12‑95 How to construct the edification complex. Joh 14:21‑24;Heb 13:9‑10;1Co 3:11‑15
MC42‑1218 Age of No Prophecy:The Doctrine of the Edification Complex of the Soul, prt 5.
02‑12‑95 The edification complex of soul is the capacity for escrow blessing. Act 9:31
MC42‑1219 Age of No Prophecy:How the Lord Jesus Christ reveals Himself to believers and
02‑14‑95 not to the world. Joh 14:21‑25;6:64;Mar 2:5‑8;12:12‑15;6:64;Deu 29:29
MC42‑1220 Age of No Prophecy:How the Holy Spirit brings to your remembrance what the
02‑15‑95 Lord Jesus Christ has told you. Joh 14:26;2Pe 1:2‑12
MC42‑1221 Age of No Prophecy:The importance of repetition and the Holy Spirit bringing to
02‑16‑95 your remembrance the doctrines you have learned.Joh 14:26;2Pe 1:1‑ 12;Mat 7:26‑27
MC42‑1222 Age of No Prophecy:Repetition of doctrine protects the believer from being a
02‑17‑95 loser in time and in the eternal state. 2Pe 1:8‑15;2Ti 2:11‑15;Jer 5:25;Mar 8:36
MC42‑1223 Age of No Prophecy:My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to
02‑19‑95 you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful. Joh 14:24‑27
MC42‑1224 Age of No Prophecy:"I go away" is a reference to the ascension and session of
02‑19‑95 Christ in His glorification at the right hand of the Father. Joh 14:27‑28
MC42‑1225 Age of No Prophecy:The ascension & session bring in the age of no prophecy and
02‑21‑95 our Lord's victory in the angelic conflict. Joh 14:28;Col 3:1;Act 2:29‑36
MC42‑1226 Age of No Prophecy:When a subject is mentioned as many times as the ascension
02‑22‑95 and session it deserves our undivided attention! Act 1:1‑11;1Pe 3:18‑22
MC42‑1227 Age of No Prophecy:The humanity of Jesus Christ in Hypostatic Union is now
02‑23‑95 exalted and glorified at the right hand of the Father. Act 32‑33;3:13;Rom 4:24
MC42‑1228 Age of No Prophecy:Because of our union with Christ who is seated at the right
02‑24‑95 hand of God we have inherited a new rank, title, and an office. Heb 1:1‑14
MC42‑1229 Age of No Prophecy:The angelic conflict and the fact that the Lord has gone to
02‑26‑95 the Father and has been seated at the right hand of God! Joh 14:28;Heb 1:1‑14
MC42‑1230 Age of No Prophecy:Whatever means God provided for angels cannot compare
02‑26‑95 to what God provided for the human race because of the session. Rom 5:19
MC42‑1231 Age of No Prophecy:How believers & unbelievers neglect so great a salvation.
03‑05‑95 Joh 14:28;Heb 2:1‑7;Jud 1:6;Mat 25:41;2Pe 2:4;1Ti 4:14
MC42‑1232 Age of No Prophecy:During the Millennial reign, the saints will rule in
03‑05‑95 resurrection just like the unseen forces now who run the world. 1Co 15:22
MC42‑1233 Age of No Prophecy:The session and the reason why God brings many sons
03‑07‑95 into glory. Heb 2:7‑11;Gen 1:27‑28;Mat 16:16‑18;Heb 4:13
MC42‑1234 Age of No Prophecy:The Lord is seated at the right hand of God commanding
03‑08‑95 angels to look down on earth because there is something special! Heb 2:11‑ 18
MC42‑1235 Age of No Prophecy:The session, the proof that God the Father is totally
03‑09‑95 propitiated or satisfied with the work of Christ on the cross. Heb 10:5‑14
MC42‑1236 Age of no prophecy:Objective thinking about the above things and the meaning
03‑10‑95 behind the age of no prophecy! Col 3:1‑2;Heb 12:2;Rom 8:34;Col 1:16;Joh 14:28‑31
MC42‑1237 Age of No Prophecy:Defining the invisible hero and the influence he has in this
03‑12‑95 life. Psa 25:12‑13;37:23‑25;112:1‑3;Rom 11:1‑5;Rev 2:11;20:11‑15
MC42‑1238 Dispensation of Invisible Heroes:The most important thing for an individual to
03‑12‑95 have in order to become an invisible hero. Rom 15:4;Heb 10:32‑11:1;1Pe 1:23,25
MC42‑1239 Dispensation of Invisible Heroes:Doctrine is the reality from which we keep on
03‑14‑95 receiving our confidence and become invisible heroes. Heb 10:32‑11:1;2Co 4:18
MC42‑1240 Dispensation of Invisible Heroes:Wisdom or doctrine always causes us to take
03‑15‑95 a doctrinal stand,though many believers refuse to do so. Heb 11:1;Pro 8:1‑7
MC42‑1241 Dispensation of Invisible Heroes:The production of doctrine or what doctrine
03‑16‑95 will produce in the life of the believer who is positive. Pro 8:7‑21;Eph 6:12
MC42‑1242 Invisible Hero:There has always been and there still is an attack on the daily
03‑17‑95 intake of B.D.! Pro 8:18‑36;2Ch 8:14;31:16;Jer 7:25;Heb 10:11
MC42‑1243 Invisible Hero:It is the great invisible power of positive volition toward
03‑19‑95 doctrine that preserves human history. Heb 11:1‑3;Gen 18;20‑32;39:5;Zec 4:10
MC42‑1244 Invisible Hero: Abel: By means of doctrine resident in the soul Abel offered to
03‑19‑95 God a greater sacrifice than Cain. Heb 11:4;Gen 4:1‑16;Mat 23:35;1Jo 3:12
MC42‑1245 Invisible Hero: Abel: The antediluvian period was a very peculiar time during
03‑21‑95 human history. Gen 3:24; 6:2; 2Pe 2:4‑5;Jud 1:14;Gen 2:4‑3:21; Acts 4:12
MC42‑1246 Invisible Hero: Abel: Cain believed in God but not the Lord God which is why he
03‑22‑95 gave offerings to God. Gen 3:1‑24; Heb 11:1‑4;1Jo 3:12;Psa 138:2;Lev 22:21
MC42‑1247 Invisible Hero: Abel: What the blood of Abel speaks to us. Heb 11:4;Joh 4:24;
03‑23‑95 Gen 4:4;Heb 12:24;1Ti 1:4;6:3‑4;2Ti 2:14,23;Tit 3:9
MC42‑1248 Invisible Hero: Enoch was taken up apart fro physical death and apart from this
03‑24‑95 earth. Heb 11:5;Gen 5:24;Jud 1:14;2Ti 4:6‑8;Rom 14:8;1Th 4:13,16‑18.
MC42‑1249 Invisible Hero: Enoch: Each generation has a spiritual leader, a person around
03‑26‑95 whom all who are positive toward doctrine can rally.Heb 11:5;Jud 1:14
MC42‑1250 Invisible Hero: Enoch: Pleasing God is a matter of entering into spiritual
03‑26‑95 maturity & becoming a spiritual champion or invisible hero. Heb 11:5;2Ti 4:2
MC42‑1251 Invisible Hero: Enoch: Without doctrine resident in the soul it is impossible to
03‑28‑95 please God. Heb 11:1‑6;Gen 5:22‑24;Col 1:9‑10;Gal 1:10;Col 3:22
MC42‑1252 Invisible Hero: Enoch: Pleasing God includes the assembling of yourselves
03‑29‑95 together & recognizing the authority of the pastor‑teacher. Heb 11:6;Gal 1:10
MC42‑1253 Invisible Hero: Enoch: The fantastic rewards from seeking God diligently and how
03‑30‑95 to please Him. Heb 11:6;2Jo 6‑9;Rev 22:12;Heb 12:5‑7;Deu 4:29;Psa 34:10
MC42‑1254 Invisible Hero: Enoch: There is always someone who exploits the grace of God to
03‑31‑95 the maximum and takes in doctrine as very few people do in history. Gen 5:21‑24
MC42‑1255 Invisible Hero: Enoch became a monument forever and ever to the fact that no one
04‑02‑95 by being faithful to the written word will ever lose out! Heb 11:5‑6;Gen 5:21‑24
MC42‑1256 Invisible Hero: Enoch: Elijah and Enoch advanced so far & fast into super‑grace
04‑02‑95 that transfer apart from death was warranted. Eph 2:7;Rev 11:3‑13;Heb 11:5
MC42‑1257 Invisible Hero: Enoch: The manifestation of surpassing grace in Enoch, the Lord
04‑04‑95 Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul. 2Co 8:1‑5;Phi 4:17‑19;Mat 17:1‑5;Phi 1:21‑26
MC42‑1258 Invisible Hero: Noah: Noah stuck with doctrine & became spiritually mature and
04‑05‑95 received divine warning from God concerning the future! Heb 11:7
MC42‑1259 Invisible Hero: Noah: he wasn't motivated to build the ship for people, he was
04‑06‑95 motivated to build the ship for God. Heb 11:7;Gen 6:14‑16;Mat 7:1‑2
MC42‑1260 Invisible Hero: Noah: It was not the majority or the world condemning Noah, it
04‑07‑95 was Noah's life condemning the world. Heb 11:7;1Co 2:14‑16;Hag 1:5;Deu 32 41
MC42‑1261 Invisible Hero: Noah: Noah becomes a mature believer in the presence of the
04‑09‑95 sons of the gods. Heb 11:7;2Pe 2:4;Jud 1:6;Gen 6:1‑2;Luk 3:23,36‑38
MC42‑1262 Invisible Hero: Noah: Satan turned loose the greatest weapons of lust of
04‑09‑95 all time in Noah's generation. Gen 6:1‑2;4:25;Rom 5:19;Rev 9:8
MC42‑1263 Invisible Hero: Noah: The "sons of the gods" and the history behind Greek
04‑11‑95 mythology as it relates to Noah. Gen 6:1‑2;2Pe 2:4‑5;Act 14:8‑15.
MC42‑1264 Invisible Hero: Noah: The "phallic" cult at the time in which Noah lived
04‑12‑95 and the difference between lusts and normal desires. Eph 4:17‑22;Luk 22:15
MC42‑1265 Invisible Hero: Noah: The grace policy of God never executes judgment on
04‑13‑95 mankind before every grace opportunity has been given to believe. Gen 6:1‑3
MC42‑1266 Invisible Hero: Noah: The earth was corrupt in the sight of God and the earth
04‑14‑95 was filled with violence. Gen 6:1‑5;Jude 6;2Pe 2:4;Mat 12:22‑24
MC42‑1267 Invisible Hero: Noah: The Ark and the analogy that Jesus Christ is the treasure
04‑16‑95 chest. 1Pe 3:18‑22;Mat 27:46;Heb 13:5;Col 2:3;Joh 10:9;Rom 8:1
MC42‑1268 Invisible Hero: Noah: The saturation of evil on the earth was so great that the
04‑16‑95 human race had reached a point of total self‑destruction. Gen 6:1‑8
MC42‑1269 Invisible Hero: Noah: As in the days of Noah so all in human history, everyone
04‑18‑95 has a chance to be saved and to know truth! Gen 6:1‑22;1Co 11:3,7‑11,14‑ 15
MC42‑1270 Invisible Hero: Abraham: Introduction to our next visible hero and the profile
04‑19‑95 of Abraham. Heb 11:8‑10;Mat 10:34‑36;Gen 12:11‑19;20:1‑12;Pro 24:16
MC42‑1271 Invisible Hero: Abraham: Being in the right place at the right time is a matter
04‑20‑95 of divine guidance and the principle that J.C. controls history. Heb 11:8
MC42‑1272 Invisible Hero:Abraham:Divine guidance and what God wants you to do and where
04‑21‑95 God wants you to be. Heb 11:8;Pro 1:30‑31;6:20‑24;3:24;19:23;Jer 2:17,19
MC42‑1273 Invisible Hero: Abraham: When family or relatives hold you back then family
04‑23‑95 and relatives have to go. Heb 11:1‑8;Mat 10:34‑39;12:46‑50;8;18‑22;Luk 9:61‑62
MC42‑1274 Invisible Hero: Abraham: Abraham never hit super‑grace until he was totally
04‑23‑95 separated from all his relatives. Gen 11:26‑12:1;Rom 12:17‑19;Pro 13:20
MC42‑1275 Invisible Hero: Abraham: It was necessary for Abraham to have a change in
04‑25‑95 residence because his spiritual growth was the most important thing! Act 7:2‑4
MC42‑1276 Invisible Hero: Abraham: Abraham has to learn the way so many of have to learn,
04‑26‑95 the shock treatment. Isa 29:24;Gen 11:26‑27;Pro 19;15;31:27;1Ti 5:13
MC42‑1277 Invisible Hero: Abraham: Families are divided in eternity by their attitude
04‑27‑95 toward Christ and by their attitude toward doctrine. Gen 11:28‑29
MC42‑1278 Invisible Hero: Abraham: Biblical guidelines for the selection of a mate.
04‑28‑95 Gen 11:28‑29 1Co 7:9 Gen 2:18‑23
MC42‑1279 Invisible Hero: Abraham: Abram married a nagging woman!
04‑30‑95 Gen 11:26‑29 1Pe 3:1‑6 Pro 27:15;19:13;21:9;21:19
MC42‑1280 Invisible Hero: Abraham: One of the things that Abraham had to overcome through
04‑30‑95 doctrine was that God is more real than adverse circumstances. Gen 11:30‑ 31
MC42‑1281 Invisible Hero: Abraham: If you get out of God's geographical location for your
05‑02‑95 life there will be no divine revelation. Gen 11:31;Luk 6:40;1Jo 3:15;Heb 10:25
MC42‑1282 Invisible Hero: Abraham: The death of Terah is shocking to Abram but is even
05‑03‑95 more shocking to Terah! Gen 11:31‑32;Psa 119:65‑68,71‑72,75;Luk 16:22‑28
MC42‑1283 Invisible Hero: Abraham: Often what seems to be a demotion in the eyes of the
05‑04‑95 world is actually a promotion in the eyes of God! Gen 11:31‑12:1;15:7;Heb 12:27
MC42‑1284 Invisible Hero: Abraham: We must have enough trust in the "Promisor" and faith
05‑05‑95 in His ability to give us what will make us happy! Gen 12:1‑3;Pro 3:9‑10
MC42‑1285 Invisible Hero: Abraham: God is going to test us to advance without a lot of
05‑07‑95 encouragement and to do it just because He said to! Gen 12:1‑3
MC42‑1286 Invisible Hero: Abraham: The spiritual & temporal blessings given to the
05‑07‑95 believer who goes forward in the plan of God. Gen 12:1‑2;Rev 3:16‑17
MC42‑1287 Invisible Hero: Abraham: Permitting life to come to you through the intake
05‑09‑95 of doctrine is the secret of grace blessing. Gen 12:2;Isa 30:1‑3;Ecc 5:1‑2
MC42‑1288 Invisible Hero: Abraham: Blessings and cursings that come from our attitude
05‑10‑95 toward the "true" born again Jew. Gen 12:1‑4;Rom 9:6;Rev 12:1‑13:1;1Co 14:33
MC42‑1289 Invisible Hero: Abraham: Abram gets out of his reversionism by leaving Haran
05‑11‑95 however he does not separate form the reversionist Lot. Gen 12:4‑5;Act 7:4
MC42‑1290 Invisible Hero: Abraham: To have is nothing unless doctrine is everything!
05‑12‑95 Gen 12:4‑5;Rev 3:17;Ecc 1:12‑2:11;5:10‑22:18:6‑2
MC42‑1291 Invisible Hero: Abraham: Lot used the success and prestige that Abraham gave
05‑14‑95 him to influence others to go against Abraham! Gen 12:1‑5;Col 3:23‑24
MC42‑1292 Invisible Hero: Abraham: Slavery is a Biblical subject and it is not condemned
05‑14‑95 by the Bible! Gen 12:5;Eph 6:5‑9;Col 3:22‑4:1;1Co 7:21‑22
MC42‑1293 Invisible Hero: Sarah: How a woman can become spiritually mature and glorify
05‑16‑95 God. Heb 11:8‑11;Mar 10:29‑30;1Co 11:3,7,11;Rev 3:12,2Ti 3:6
MC42‑1294 Invisible Hero: Sarah: She will get very frustrated and bitter but doctrine
05‑17‑95 in the soul will solve her problems! Heb 11:11;13:7;1Jo 3:15.
MC42‑1295 Invisible Hero: Sarah: Being brilliant and beautiful, she was the target of
05‑18‑95 a lot of female jealousy! Gen 3:16;1Ti 2:11‑14;Act 13:42‑45;17:4‑5;Jam 3:14‑16
MC42‑1296 Invisible Hero: Sarah: She continued day in and day out to take in doctrine in
05‑19‑95 spite of reverses and failures of all kinds! Heb 11:11;Lam 3:14‑15;Exo 15:22
MC42‑1297 Invisible Hero: Sarah: Sarah had to overcome in her soul things that no man
05‑21‑95 would ever have to face! Heb 11:1;Gen 12:5‑8;Heb 10:38;Isa 30:1‑2
MC42‑1298 Invisible Hero: Sarah: To save his life, wimpy Abram wants to get rid of
05‑21‑95 Sarah to Wahkare Achthoes III. Gen 12:13‑20
MC42‑1299 Invisible Hero: Sarah:Sarah learns about the divine protection from the Lord and
05‑23‑95 that God is for us. Gen 12:11‑20;2Jo 1:8;Psa 105:9‑15;Rom 5:8;8:26,31‑32
MC42‑1300 Invisible Hero: Sarah: Sarah makes the big mistake of trying to play God.
05‑24‑95 Gen 16:1‑6;Gen 3:17;Mar 11:24;Pro 14:29;15:18;16:32
MC42‑1301 Invisible Hero: Sarah: Awareness of the problem can bring either response
05‑25‑95 to doctrine or reaction to the situation. Gen 16:1‑2;Pro 5:5,11,20.
MC42‑1302 Invisible Hero: Sarah: The wrong action is not justified by Sarah's spirit
05‑26‑95 of self‑sacrifice and her obvious generosity with Abram's sex life. Gen 16:1‑ 3
MC42‑1303 Invisible Hero: Sarah: What every man needs to understand about women.
05‑28‑95 Gen 16:1‑4;3:16;4:7;1Pe 3:7;1Co 11:3,7;7:32‑33;SOS 7:10
MC42‑1304 Invisible Hero: Sarah: Competition between an arrogant woman and a jealous
05‑28‑95 woman is a disaster for Abram. Gen 16:4,12.
MC42‑1305 Invisible Hero: Sarah: The conflict between the princess and female slave.
05‑30‑95 Gen 16:1‑5,12.
MC42‑1306 Invisible Hero: Sarah: Neither Sarai nor Hagar will take
05‑31‑95 responsibility for their own actions, they both blame Abram.
MC42‑1307 Invisible Hero: Sarah: Doc: Inordinate ambition and
06‑01‑95 inordinate competition. Gen 16:5
MC42‑1308 Invisible Hero: Sarah: The people who brought the Lord to trial
06‑02‑95 were all self‑righteous religious people. Gen 16:6;Joh 18:12‑14
MC42‑1309 Invisible Hero: Sarah: The cruelest people in the world are
06‑04‑95 self‑righteous legalistic religious people. Gen 16:1‑6;Joh 18:29‑
MC42‑1310 Invisible Hero: Sarah: Hagar is the sacrifice on the altar of
06‑04‑95 self‑righteousness & self‑vindication. Gen 16:6;1Co 16:13;2Sa
MC42‑1311 Invisible Hero: Sarah: Hagar goes from the hopelessness of slavery to the
06‑06‑95 helplessness of being alone & without provisions in the desert. Gen 16:6
MC42‑1312 Invisible Hero: Sarah: Grace & justice meet at the point of man's hope‑
06‑07‑95 lessness, helplessness & uselessness! Gen 16:6‑7;Joh 15:16;3:17
MC42‑1313 Invisible Hero: Sarah: There is no solution to a problem unless there is
06‑08‑95 honesty in facing the facts and the reality. Gen 16:7‑16 Col 1:14
MC42‑1314 Invisible Hero: Sarah: Her name is now changed to Sarah or princess referring
06‑09‑95 to the fact that she has overcome her bitterness & jealousy! Gen 17:1‑9
MC42‑1315 Invisible Hero: Sarah: Abraham's conduct was very cowardly as he risked
06‑11‑95 Sarah's virtue, and the purity of the promised seed. Gen 20:1‑18;Tit 2:11‑12
MC42‑1316 Invisible Hero: Sarah: The opening of Sarah's womb, her pregnancy and the
06‑11‑95 birth of Isaac. Gen 21:1‑7;23:1‑2;Heb 11:11;1Pe 3:6.